Thanks for sharing! With a 167 you're going to have some excellent options available to you, and I can't wait to see the success updated with your acceptance into an amazing law school.
I actually bought the LSAT trainer. Do you mind telling what your score was when you started with 7sage? I would like a minimum of 10 pointincrease. I am at 154 right now.
Wow. I hope I can get a 20point jump. Remember, learning is the number of repetitions and the time in between them. You could always take a couple of years to make some money, then get back to it aiming for your 170.
I saw a 10 pointincrease initially, but this was still ... is what really helped to increase my score. There are several ... ways to increase your score; but either way ... the concepts from the lessons. Point being, there is only so ...
I'm glad to see the image is showing! I'd like to give credit to Josh - @"Cant Get Right" . I'm pretty sure I saw his spreadsheet on the "our 89 pointincrease webinar"
record yourself and distinguish which questions you are slow on. David did this to identify which question he was going slow on then focused on those. He mentions it on the webinars "89 pointincrease" and i forgot the other one.