Bumping so more people can see! Also formatted your thread properly so people can easily find where you're referencing. Try to stick to our format rules:
... I have been following this thread pretty regularly. I have a ... ;
> From reading this thread though, and please forgive me ... . A good example is a discussion I was having with a ...
This study group is no longer active. **Please check the dates before posting.** Closing this thread, look for updated groups here:
> this thread is my procrastination drug of ... a little positivity to the discussion too!
> ... the first person in this thread to break 170 on a ...
... a thread (https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/11155). Also there is a discussion on ... some answers (https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/9555 ).
Also, have you looked into possible test anxiety? There is a good thread in the discussion that speaks to this. If you have it terribly bad, you may want to try meditation or even ask your doctor for an Rx to assist.