Good to know, thanks. So you bought the actual book to get the tests? Where did you get explanations for the answers? I was thinking about upgrading my 7sageaccount to get up to PT71 with explanation, but it's $200 vs ~$22 for the latest 10 Actual book.
@danielznelson I made a second 7sageaccount to track my "new" test scores so I could cross-reference the questions I had previously missed and see if I started getting them right.
... it: ... yesterday to delete their 7Sageaccount in direct response to ... was not enrolled in a 7Sage course.
... for disabilities: ...
You don't need to do that since the time extends your current expiration date. If you're going to wait, you might just wait until the day after your accountexpires, then just pay for the ultimate package and get the full year.
I'm pretty sure the reason why the videos aren't downloadable is because your 7Sage subscription expires. You can't really enforce expiration if you can download videos.
... said:
If my acess expires will I still be able ... will go away once your accountexpires. If you already have an ... account, buying PT 77 will add ...
Yeah your LORs will be good until your accountexpires - usually if they are older than a year or so it's good to ask your recommender to maybe update it incase they wrote something that was particular for that coming cycle.
Admissions Starter packages were added! @Takamine since you don't have a full account, you'll have it for a month. Everyone else will keep it until their accountexpires.
This is my first study group. So, I was wondering what I need to do. Do I need a certain software like skype or just a 7sageaccount? Do we discuss when we "meet" and such? I just want to make sure I'm doing my part. @"Alex Divine" @Freddy_D
Does the PT expire when the accountexpires??? Or is there a PT expiration date... asking bc I bought it but am not ready to take it (not even close lol)