passage on each of your ... by generating drills with passage difficulty set to "Hardest ... difficulty sections?** It depends. A lot of the LR ... myself with doing the PT A, B, and C LG sections ...
The passage starts with a conditional claim, then there is a shift, claiming that in order for the A ---> BB has a condition, so in order for the claim to be true we need to assume that the condition is true for all cases. That's why AC E is correct.
... organize the first paragraph of PassageB this way). So the the ...
Q16 - I think this was a hard question because it really ... deduce whether innate talent IS a significant factor. E is wrong ... br />
Q22 - Passage 4 was a TOUGH passage to understand for me ...
... notation helps A LOT here) (4) According to the passage some scientists ... with in both passageA and passageB / in passageA but not passageB(10) how are ... you go through the passage... (1) develop a notation scheme that gets ...
... familiar passages is to take apassage and try to imagine yourself ... those headings would have an A., B., C., level, of detail to ... bit of information from the passage, in appropriate outline form. ... 't matter whether it's a fresh passage or not.
... notation helps A LOT here) (4) According to the passage some scientists ... with in both passageA and passageB / in passageA but not passageB(10) how are ... you go through the passage... (1) develop a notation scheme that gets ...
... any other RC passage. Sure they are certainly a little more difficult ... yes there is usually one PassageA and PassageB distinction but for the ... as before. It may require a more active reading approach (anticipating ...
... have completed 1-62 and A,B and C (plus 3 Indian ... introduction of the comparative reading passage in RC, which is not ... LR on recent exams is a lot "cleaner" and easier to ... different experiences, but I am a firm believer that all of ...
... the PassageA only questions before your memory get's contaminated with PassageB ... . And since a single passage is so short ... odds of getting all the PassageA questions right are in your ...
... (provided you understand the question/passage) Here's what you should ... statement NOT A OR B. This is because a->b is a true statement ... true of NOT A OR B because both conditions (NOT A, B) are FALSE ... says A->B NOT B -> NOT A That is, if A->B is a ...
It’s a nice resource for people who ... test, one that has a comparative passage (which A,B and C don’t ... probably taken around 20 PTs (a guess based on what I ...
... 14 PTs (66-76, A, B, june pt) in the ...
Make sure you have a really good handle on LR ... RC, try to develop a personalized technique that feels rock ... doing a bunch of each type of question/game/passage, I ... part painless. There are a lot of subtle things that ...
... 14 PTs (66-76, A, B, june pt) in the ... underlying processes and figure out a "good" solution. I ... reasoning made in the passage: what's the main ... and, depending on the passage, where do we go from ... in my understanding of the passage.
... and mark those that reference a single passage. I answer those right ... read that passage. As I read passageB, I try to make a note ... when I encounter a concept ... s already been discussed in PassageA. That usually comes up in ...
... , you say, "Not every passage will neatly diagram out though ... arguments, I find passage after passage falling into a very small handful of ... in the form of "A and NOT B").
I ... something that MIGHT be a conditional ("A->B"), take a second look at ...
... topic is the subject of a fair amount of debate in ... substitution question on LG, a comparative passage on RC and maybe maybe ... a trend towards more subtle answer ...
... purpose of the CR passage is to try and ... the second time after reading B and they ask what ... ’ve already eliminated everything A didn’t talk about with ... way less information than a normal passage, so you’ve really ... , I think it’s a good strategy. You do have ...
... ones that mention a single passage. I write a big A or B next to ... of the type "passageA mentions this but B doesn't" or ... reading the corresponding passage.
For the "A mentions B doesn't" ... idea of both, PassageA is more what than passageB, the two ...
... question can be answered on a couple of different levels. ... that changed the scoring scale: a rare pattern game for example ... level out in difficulty, within a certain range. I carved ... easier or harder: the comparative passage on RC, the substitution question ...
... trouble identifying your terms. A ---> B is a lot easier to work ... . Sometimes I'll notate my passage by boxing in my terms ... things to as close to A ---> B as possible. From there ... it's just a matter of drawing ...
... inference question too...took a lot of time for ... is from different parts of passage)
Maybe I should ... too or just skip a whole passage and devote time to ...
Do you have any tips for having interests to read ... make me feel asleep a lot and I have ...