... preptests (50 and older), and I just took Preptest 75and I got only ... . Particularly RC seemed much harder, and LR seemed a bit tougher ... into the more "modern" tests and I plan on testing in ...
... years I took the LSAT 3 times and studied my ass off ... hours learning, reading this forum and taking PT's... I had ... contributes to this forum, Sami and 7Sage as a whole. and couldn't have done it ...
... I worked my butt off and took 60 credits of college ... on extracurriculars and such, and because of that, the Experience and Activities sections ... undergrad GPA is a 3.93, and I am currently PTing right ... Does a lack of Experience and Activities on my resume hurt ...
... hold off until november test and put my studying efforts toward ... with powerscore for a solid 3 months and almost halfway through all ... 3 section’s bibles, was wondering ...
... personal statement and wanted to get the communities ... the middle east for 3 yrs and the academy i studied ... closest gym supplier and purchased whatever machinery and weights we could ... week installing the flooring myself and building all the equipment, ...
Procrastinator here :) How many hours are you guys actually committing to studying daily? Seeing the commitment from others will make me feel inferior...andup my game! THANKS!
... that I can still improve, and my desire to be an ... -60s untouched along with 78 andup. Would it be a bad ... taking a PT every week and strcuturing the rest of my ... study week around BR and question type drills.
My gpa is 3.66 and I am aiming for the T14, so I have decided to delay a cycle to test in June! I am asking for strategies to go from 161 to 170+. The highest BR I have had so far is 170. How exactly should I study and improve? What tips do you have?
... have taken in total 3 LSATs and my scores are literally all ... point increase in October 2018. And for 162 November 2018, I ... />
I know some schools encourage and some schools require addendum for ... my situation.
... they wanted to apply to and the criteria if any they ... okay undergrad GPA (3.1) and high grad school GPA (3.8? with ... have done some prelim research, and have visited a few schools ...
... attempt at the LSAT today. And I am not feeling too ... had 2 LG game section, and i really struggled with one ... able to complete on 2) and did very well on the ... I've already attempted it 3 times and I don't want ... should I not lose hope and just wait to see how ...
... hard classes this last semester and my GPA has the potential ... (without the A+s included) and a 3.92 weighted (CAS GPA ... potential to graduate with a 3.88 and magna cum laude. Does ... /summa) get into a top 3 law school (assuming they have ...
... was under real timed conditions and scored a 145 after ... to get it over and done with and scored a 154 but ... I have a 3.6 GPA at UG, and3.9 in Grad ... jumps are like unheard of and mostly everyone says its ... blind review I average at -3/4 and weakness is LR & ...
... LSAT curriculum, the admissions course and 7Sage Editors who helped me ... all formed such a powerful and uplifting community. 7Sage is one ... , 158, 166, 163 (lol). 3.4 and non-URM. I'd love ...
... at boston university (gpa: 3.33) and i had done some ... when you're ready and not plan around an ... would take me to finish and it's really worrying ... anxiety attack thinking about studying and finishing on time reaching ... post i thank you and any words of wisdom ...
... studying to sit on June 3. I've always felt fairly ... doesn't freak me out), and I've gotten to (-1 ... ton of timed RC sections and BR them? Take some timed ... sections where I only complete 3 passages and strive for (-0)? Take ...
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics ... you feel is correct, and write or type out your ... reasoning for each correct choice and 4 incorrect answer choices (which ...
... I've done the Trainer and the LG Bible. I use ... can map 95% of games and rules with ease. I ... does on the games explanations. And I implement some of his ... about 1 question per game and am around 10 or ... game for the medium-hard andup games.
... finished with a UGPA of 3.54 and I am PT-ing ... first choice for American schools and if I get in I ... dead set on the US and will potentially go to U ... has always been a dream and I plan to practice in ...
... context, my father is black and my mother is white. I ... I've always done, and I identify as a black ... I am equal parts black and white, but socially I'm ... now if I should report both black and white? I don't ... don't identify as white and wouldn't want reporting my ...
... . I took the PT and got a 141 without any ... purchased the Powerscore Bible Trilogy and two books with 10 practice ... I also plan on dedicating 3-4 hours a day M ... hours per day on Saturday and Sunday. I also plan on ... undergrad GPA of 3.33 and a graduate GPA of 3.53 (I ...
Walked away from the September LSAT with a 166. My GPA for my best three years is a 3.86 and a 3.92 for my best two years. Planning on going to school in Ontario. Should I write again in October?
... of studying logic games and another 177 on PT ... on the recent PTs, 70 andup, my scores ranged from ... September LSAT (Saturday Observant) and scored a 173. Granted I ... ’t put the time and effort into studying that ... score on PTs 44 and 52 especially after months ...