Congrats! Seriously, that's amazing. I have ADHD, and I've definitely had success through creating a detailed schedule, but I'm not sure how much I can really help. If you have any specific things you want to discuss, lmk.
Are your digestive issues medically documented? If so, I would postpone the exam and get accommodations. I'm not sure if it's too late for you to get accommodations for November, though.
... I would highly recommend getting accommodations. There are a lot of ... different options for accommodations... I'm not sure ... it work. And then get accommodations for the November test. ... The accommodations deadline for the November test ...
... decree, specifically for partially approving accommodations and then telling applicants this ... either accept or not receive accommodations because of deadlines.
Yes I’d recommend looking into accommodations if you think extra time would help. And it’s hard to say if you should re-take without knowing your goals. T14 aside, where do you want to go? What do you need to go there?
... extremely laxed with the way accommodations are submitted. @TrustingGod if ... ’ll get them. Call accommodations and ask them if they ... insight, but applying for accommodations is very much case by ... option when applying for accommodations. So anything is possible.
LSAC publishes the data for repeat test takers who get extra-time accommodations; the average gain is huge. But why does it matter how it helped other people? It's pretty easy to gauge how it'll help you. Take a PT with 50% or 100% extra time.
... disabled candidates with requests for accommodations needed to take the LSAT ... be approved for extra time accommodations. There are a lot of ... anxiety leads to requests for accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities ...