So in this sentence which is the sufficient and which is the necessary? "The only kids with green eyes are the ones who wear red shoes." In this sentence, which is the S and which is the N? "Kids with green eyes are the only ones who wear red shoes."
Someone please help, I still do not know how to do these question types. I have reviewed the curriculum many times, but it is still not sticking.
Any suggestions?
... never much higher, they're always around 161, which worries me ... , but reading LR I almost always just go with my original ... matter what I do I always end up at the same ... have extra but I somehow always seem to just finish before ...
... sufficient, and which is the necessary condition. With the latter issue ... better at identifying the sufficient/necessary condition without the trigger words ...
... on improving my accuracy regarding necessary assumption questions. I encountered 2 ... daily calisthenics sufficient and not necessary (which contradicts the conclusion that ... states that calisthenics is necessary for physical fitness).