Hello, I want to be able to take a PT and, like the real exam, do all four in one sitting without doing Legacy mode (all four graded). Legacy grades the experimental and I was wondering if I could do experimental ungraded in digital mode. Thank you
How are you guys approaching RC when doing low res? Since LSAT is digital, you can't write in the margins of the passage. Should we just commit to memory the low res of each paragraph? Or are we supposed to write them down on scratch paper?
If anyone can help explain this I would truly appreciate it!! I've been trying to understand it for the past hour but still can't grasp why the right answer is right. I've watched the explanation video on 7sage and read power score's explanation but don't ...
An easy willingness to tell funny stories or jokes about oneself is the surest mark of supreme self-confidence. This willingness, often not acquired until late in life, is even more revealing than is good-natured acquiescence in having others poke fun at ...
... experience (post-grad) in the digital advertising space. Completed 4 relevant ... about how I entered the digital marketing world after majoring in ...
Early in the development of a new product line, the critical resource is talent. New marketing ventures require a degree of managerial skill disproportionate to their short-term revenue prospects. Usually, however, talented managers are assigned only to ...
I'm also curious to know what others do. I keep track of time per game/passage doing exactly what you're suggesting. Marking the beginning of game and end of the game. My watch has a bezel, so my times are a little easier to tell.
For the PreProBono Fellows, we're currently using this watch.
@YZ, whatever happens, save 2 form the 60's just in case. If by 1.5 weeks out and you're not breaking 170, you should push it back to October. Worst case, you do just as well as ...
Do you suggest re-setting your analog watch after each section so that you can visually see the 35 min countdown, e.g. 12:00 to 12:35? Or just writing start and end time (real time) at the top of each section?
@Corina McIntyre I would reset my analog watch after each section, to 12:00. I would waste time doing math before the next section, if I were to write the start and end time.
I think you can find it for less than $50. I was going to buy this one which is $25 but has mixed reviews: