... ', and the rest of the answerchoice matches up word-for-word ... with all of the above reasoning, the other answer choices are god ... not be perfect, but the answer is still 100% clear, and ...
... is conditional, eliminate any answer choices that are causal ... flawed reasoning, eliminate any answer choices that are valid arguments ... superficially run through each answerchoice first and eliminate as many ... can with the short cuts above. Then only spend time ...
... items are different, then an answerchoice that explains why the two ... percentages automatically lead to increasing numbers
o Decreasing percentages ... increasing percentages
o Decreasing numbers automatically lead to decreasing percentages ...
... are only choosing from four answer choices. Especially for questions that ... to sticking with the same answerchoice if you are a generally ... test and write down the numbers of each question that I ... of questions you change the answer for during BR, versus the ...
... able to anticipate what the answerchoice is and that helps me ... I anticipate the possible correct answerchoice(s) and yet the right ... answer is none of them for ... to the question types mentioned above.
... there was one popular wrong answerchoice, and then a subtle right ... answer. According to the analytics as ... up and pick the wrong answer. I'm not justifying anything ... is actually only 160, anything above that would just be for ...
... used in the premises and answer choices, and "administering the medicine ... given the vaccine? Then the numbers game they are playing here ... is exactly the flaw that answerchoice A points out, too, and ...
"What does answerchoice B say? Not all of ... repeated the language shift error above. The right must be ... of the answer. The problem is the answerchoice B doesn' ... the town's artistic circles. Answerchoice B says RCRCsomeTAC. It ...
First, if a ... always, to eliminate a MBT answer all you have to do ... rules and yet violates the answerchoice. There's no such scenario ... this is out winning MBT answerchoice.
More I ... a decent idea of the answerchoice anyway, so I don't ... lines ahead/behind. Typically the answer matters more on the _context_ ... my tip 1 above (most strongly supported) a correct answer is far ...
... with you about the correct answerchoice. It's clear they want ... just saying that neither the answer nor the inference in the ... we can easily shift the numbers to accommodate your reading without ...
It ... a loose consensus that numbersabove a school's 75% ... chance of admission, and numbers at the median give ... and your GPA is slightly above the median.
< ... the same" meaning that, numbers wise, in A-D schools ...
... particular. I picked another answer that was slightly "off" ... />
Incidentally, the choice of demonstrates/shows vs suggests ... Right" explained above.
One wrong answerchoice went for " ... expected".
The correct choice was something like "If ...
... Games where sometimes a correct answerchoice can be a single letter ... . With an answerchoice like that, there is just ... makers can do within the answerchoice itself to "trick" us. In ... mention it in the comments above. Speed doesn't come from ...
This has ... everything out. Then for each answerchoice, I write out a detailed ... explanation of what the answerchoice is saying and then the ... time I plugged in my numbers and saw that 180 pop ...
The advice above is spot on. I ... that would help you answer the questions and ignore ... be unexpected, but the answer is essentially fills the ... idea of what the correct answer looks like (especially true ... go back and compare each answerchoice to the stimulus (as ...
I circle the question numbers, but differently to denote different ... may mean there was one answerchoice I wasn't entirely confident ... just choked or eliminated every answerchoice or whatever it is. When ...
... in mind that if the answerchoice says "Many people like ice ... />
Besides knowing the six points above, it is imperative that you ... and that was the correct answer. They didn't even use ... the stimulus to draft an answerchoice. You see, nothing else besides ...