... through the process of each questiontype I came across. You sort ... (didn't understand the stimulus, question stem, or answer choices) I ... from not learning what the argument was telling me and breaking ...
... is helpful for different LR question types and key takeaways by ... folders in the menu are Question Types, Technique/Approach, Progress Tracker, PT ... Review, and subfolders of each LR questiontype ...
... drilling as really perfecting a technique or questiontype that you can then ... , such as with a certain type of problem like LR Weakening ... . Drilling = mastering skills for specific question types
The overlap is kinda the point. On this questiontype, you want an answer choice that mirror's the argument's reasoning as closely as possible. So, restating a key premise is a good thing for this questiontype.
... , there are 16 different question types for LR. Now ... questions and created a 10 question drill on Medium difficulty. ... the the next LR questiontype which is MSS and ... and only doing 4 question types. We will see ... 4.3h
13. Argument Part Questions 2.7h
... if the conclusion in the argument only applies to cigarettes. Hope ... If this was a weaken question, an AC that said " ... br />
To weaken this argument, we can literally pick any ... would be a different questiontype; in a question where the stimulus makes ...
... . For example, consider the following argument: (Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising ... - if the question is asking me to strengthen the argument, I would ... more specific to the strengthen questiontype: is it redundant? Sometimes we ...
Questiontype is independent of the method of reasoning employed by the question. By extension, questiontype does not necessarily mean a person is tackling the gaps or flaws in the argument.
... seem to be ONE particular questiontype that chokes me up, rather ... all the question types seem to be in ... kind of improvement, so my question is how did you drill ... games in 35 minutes. My question here is how can I ...
I came across a question where I don't understand the question stem or how to take on the questiontype ( Prep Test 36 Q24 Sec 1). Is there a systematic approach on how to take on these "evaluation" questions?
... not sure if my question has been addressed, if ... the proper discussion. My question is for those who are ... how to answer each questiontype or should I focus ... way to answer each question because you will be ... able to answer the question intuitively. Is that a ...
3. Read the Question. Label the Questiontype, writing this label ... next to the question. ... below or next to the Question, write 1AC =........ 4AC =.........< ... 6. Do this for every Question in the section.
... I feel is a silly question. I'm about a month ... pattern will emerge with other question types as I move along ... Cambridge bundle for all LR question types. I guess what I ... what are the benefits of questiontype training? Are there any other ...