Hey I am having a tough time with sufficient assumptions for some reason. Did anyone else have a harder time with them and find a resource that really helped? it just isn't clicking yet. Any suggestions? thanks in advance
Over the past few months, since I began my LSAT journey, I've accumulated a few tips on how to quickly eliminate answer choices for Parallel Reasoning, Strengthen and basically any Assumption question. I was recently BRing with ...
... we need to find the assumptions. But if it is strengthen ... means that you have 2 assumptions (P1-C1), (P2-C2). But ... once again, your pre-forumulated assumptions stays.
After personal reasons forced me to step away from the LSAT for some time, I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. What was clear to me back then is not as clear to me now. Thus, I must ask: why can't we infer "B most ...