
Word Docs Hits
at 49.3K 78.1K
a 135.8K 434.7K
children 480 724
s 69K 124.9K
festival 14 14
exactly 4.6K 5K
four 1.9K 2.3K
songs 84 123
are 59.9K 106.9K
performed 320 361
each 13.3K 17.7K
once 9.1K 10.5K
night 2.4K 2.8K
all 45.8K 66.3K
right 25.6K 32.4K
question 29.1K 48.4K
man 2K 2.2K
rhino 3 3
rock 432 499
and 133K 408K
sammy 11 14
the 163.9K 766.1K
consecutively 44 47
on 89.5K 175.8K
different 11.2K 13.7K
one 38.6K 56.3K
of 106.3K 278.4K
instruments 27 52
flute 4 4
guitar 31 44
harmonica 0 0
or 56.7K 90.9K
keyboard 137 169
in 104.7K 242.2K
accordance 49 51
with 68.2K 117.1K
following 3.5K 4K
first 22.4K 29.9K
song 260 327
is 102.5K 238.3K
not 64.9K 113.5K
if 75.8K 134.1K
th 71 81

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