Does anyone know when sign ups for the August2021 LSAT is? I know registration has closed, but when do we pick the date and time of the actual exam? Thanks
... , and then creating a separate "experimentalsection" using random sections from PT ... + to simulate the experimentalsection as a second LR section.
For ... this? Should I do the experimentalsection with another group of PT ...
Is this the experimentalsection always the third or fourth section for the new online LSATs? I remember earlier when they first rolled out the online LSAT there was no experimental, but now there is.
Is the experimentalsection always the one that shows up twice? Like if RC shows up twice its ONE of the TWO RCs thats the experimental? Or can your score be based on an LR and 2 RCs?
One of my granted accommodations is to skip the ungraded, experimentalsection on the new LSAT. I've noticed there is no way to avoid taking the ungraded section when taking PTs, unlike the outgoing PTs. Why is this?
Does anyone know how likely it is to get a experimentalsection as your first section of the LSAT? I am worried when I take it that I will be hit with an experimentalsection at the beginning, and this will knock off the rest of my test.
I am taking the test in September.
I have accommodations and I requested the experimentalsection to be removed. I was wondering if I need to take the my practice test with or without the experimentalsection.
Thank you!
... everything except the experimentalsection. On the regular RC section I only missed ... 2, but on the experimental RC ... as much time reviewing the experimental questions as I would if ...
Hi! I have an accommodation to have the experimentalsection removed from the test all together. Is there any way to adjust PTs on 7Sage to reflect not having the experimentalsection?
I was able to request accomodations due to ADHD for November LSAT. They allowed me to take 5 minute breaks between sections, sit and stand, allow me to walk and or stretch, and best of all NO EXPERIMENTALSECTION!! YAYY
Hey guys, is the August test going to be 3 sections scored and 1 sectionexperimental now? Are you practicing with the 4 sections test? How are you scoring it?
... the August LSAT is now 4 sections, one of which is experimental ... option to take a 4 section exam with one un-scored ... section, do you guys think taking ...
... their target score from the August administration today.
I ... end of the study year (August), I was consistently scoring in ... know now that my first section was experimental, and I felt that ... the curve for the past August administration?