... than when I visited UT-Austin's law school. Granted, I ... people I met at UT-Austin could have been having an ... there b/c I love Austin) but I just love everything ...
@dantlee14 thanks for the list! I wish more schools did the interview! I know the application speaks for itself on your behalf, but sometimes being F2F is a more personal approach. Oh well :smile:
I'd say no. Disliking a major isn't really a good reason for an addendum, imo. Just apply and see what happens. if they for some reason ask you about it in an interview then just tell them, but yeah don't do the addendum
@shanedrider no, I don't think it's necessary to account for that gap in your resume. You might be asked during an interview though what you did during that time.
I'm not sure. I would recommend checking Top Law Schools Harvard Law applicant forum from either this year or last. They likely have a list of frequently asked questions.
I do know that the interview is a very good sign for your chances.
Congratulations on the interview! Out of curiosity, what type of questions did they ask you? If you interviewed with Northwestern as well, was it similar to that?