... an explanation for why every answer choice was wrong and why ... the correct answer choice was correct. I do ... be really committed to quality blindreview. If you don't understand ...
... me. First, speak your blindreview out loud. I caught ... 're going through the answer choices, don't reveal ... the next answer choice until you can ... why you are eliminating that answer choice. During your BR ... same type of wrong answer choices over and over ...
... . I did not do a blindreview. After entering answers into the ... , -10 RC. I did not answer 4 of the LG questions ... and then had time to review all answers before time expired ...
... errors, I recommend circling for blindreview any question in which you ... 're fuzzy on a couple answer choices, you're not fully ... accurately prephrase/predict the right answer. So if you clearly know ... just know that's the answer and maybe you don't ...
... , I am not waffling on answer choices especially when down to ... confidence in identifying the correct answer. I am in the middle ... /right for every question during blindreview. Since there is only one ... more efficiently determine the right answer. All the best:)
... 4 passages, to read and answer the questions. LR-i thought ... of questions. Also, why is blindreview more indicative of the score ... I was reading about the blindreview method). I dont get that ... we arent timed for blidn review.
Well, if you’re not blind ... your answer. If you’re not, then start circling and blind reviewing ... watching @"Nicole Hopkins” webinar on blindreview here:http://7sage.com/discussion ...
... untimed and review and explain to myself why each answer was wrong ... before checking for the answer in the answer key. And if I ... choose the correct answer untimed than at least I ... that is the beauty of blindreview to be able to analyze ...
Typically ... cannot eliminate 4 wrong answer choices with 100% confidence ... and confirm the correct answer choice with 100% confidence. ... for and why each answer choice is either right ...
... immediately after we have to blindreview anyway which means doing these ... practice problems timed before the blindreview which can get kind of ... see if its possible to answer correctly without looking at the ... able to explain why each answer is incorrect/correct.
... just about being able to answer the hard questions. It’s ... about being able to answer the easy questions as efficiently ... watch JY’s videos about blindreview. The circling process is a ...
... are essentially predicting the correct answer choice.
(2) How far ... -phrase practice comes from my BlindReview. Because I am spending as ... . And as I do more Blind Reviews, I'm finding it ...
During my BlindReview I'll have three tabs ... fell for the trap answer choice. I'll highlight ... most with (chosen from my blindreview set).
3) ... concept that I want to review. For example, I ... for me, since I review/edit the documents (on ...
... in particular. I picked another answer that was slightly "off" ... above.
One wrong answer choice went for "implementation will ... key to finding the correct answer.
Quite ... matching the clue. The blindreview process is the main tool ...
... br />
I blindreview with a friend and after blindreview we get between ... circled and got right after review and before checking your ... answers and is a review of your uncircled answer choices. Really pay ... not to say you cant review every question blindly if ...
... should painstakingly disprove every wrong answer choice while under the gun ... a question where seeing the answer was super easy but disproving ... what about..."? Yeah, obviously the answer is 'do it right to ... A to Z in your blindreview...but how would you know ...
... to prove it on blindreview means that you didn ... which you should judge answer choices (suggests no critical ... momentary lapse centralized in blindreview, precluding critical analysis of ... getting something wrong on blindreview means big understanding issues, ...
... out in black ink why answer choices A, B, C, and ... not only chose the right answer, but why i thought i ... mind wandering a lot during blindreview (thus wasting time that I ...
i dont have this practice test yet but i would like to join this blindreview session. is it worth while to still participate? i ask because i would like to take shots at the answer choices too
... not BRing (which stands for BlindReview, btw) then you're wasting ... you couldn't eliminate an answer choice, or if you could ... eliminate four answer choices but you still have ... idea why the last remaining answer choice is correct, whatever it ...
... I start actually trying to answer the questions, I frequently ... you can identify the correct answer quickly and confidently. This ... then identify that within the answer choices. This takes a ... with a thorough and meticulous BlindReview; and third, using the ...
Not silly at all. Good blindreview habits are really important.
< ... question type. Break down each answer choice. And explain why each ... answer choice is either right or ...
... more.
3) They did blindreview effectively and consistantly
4 ... to why they chose the answer they did, why it was ... wrong and why the right answer was correct. This is especially ...