... . I would advise in your BlindReview doing so from now on ... . Too often, students think of BlindReview as merely a second chance ... this framework, the fact that answer A makes no mention of ...
Have you tried clean copy blindreview whereby you use a clean ... copy of the best and blindreview it. I find this will ... . Write out why each wrong answer is wrong and why each ...
... from 36 to 81? The answer is maybe it is and ... on the newer tests and blindreview and use timed sections from ... and focused more intently on blindreview.
... />
> > This. Clean copy blindreview and write explanations and notes ... take notes as i'm blind reviewing, such as "I think ... , why you chose the wrong answer and not TCR, and how ...
... and I took? Should I review the practice problems on 7sage ... ? If so, how should I review them? Do I simply just ... more than once. And always blindreview them. Some say to save ... .
... for weak claims among NA answer choices etc.) and solidify my ... after I BR'd my answer that those helped me immensely ... under timed conditions and then blindreview them. Also don't be ... 's no right or wrong answer with some of these timing ...
BlindReview is your absolute best friend! ... really don't know the answer, don't just pick one ... weaknesses and you don't review them and work on them ...
... . However, PTing and blind reviewing should be just ... new ones since the blindreview focuses on making certain ... reason for every right answer and a reason ... against every wrong answer. This helps even if ... two every weekend and review them between the ...
... most of my wrong answer choices i always narrow ... one. In addition, with blindreview I have reached160, however ... me to the wrong answer and how to ... identify the correct answer or continue taking PT ... addressing any weaknesses through review of CC lessons ...
... text in the prompt or answer choices. Cutting yourself short in ... out of nowhere, the right answer and understanding pops into your ... the fundamentals down. Go through blindreview, work through the CC, and ...
... each month, did you use BlindReview, Full Proof LG with BRs ... to myself and keep my answer as correct. I found this ... reasoning. If I got an answer wrong, I could quickly discard ...
... I have got the right answer with 100% confidence. ... didn't read all answer choices for because I ... , or I eliminate all answer choices, or that seem ... I have pretty much blind reviewed my entire LR ... my double circle in blindreview but I actually feel ...
... I have got the right answer with 100% confidence. ... didn't read all answer choices for because I ... , or I eliminate all answer choices, or that seem ... I have pretty much blind reviewed my entire LR ... my double circle in blindreview but I actually feel ...
... do my second practice test, blindreview them, and then enjoy the ... is something about every wrong answer which makes it wrong. ... by prooving the correct answer correct and the incorrect answers ... switch strategies and reject bad answer choices. Then, once you ...
... the correct answer choice was (akin to the "blindreview" study method ... that makes an ostensibly correct answer, incorrect. At least for ... , 2 and sometimes 3 answer choices look fantastic. For ... some way, often wrong answer choices place a different qualifier ...
... 170 under timed conditions. During blindreview, my scores are usually in ... to finish the section. During blindreview when it's untimed, my ... last time you found an answer because of your underlines or ...
... of questions I didn't answer correctly on either try? I ... make mistakes when deciding between answer choices. The majority of my ... method of reasoning questions on blindreview, but I can barely even ...
... of questions I didn't answer correctly on either try? I ... make mistakes when deciding between answer choices. The majority of my ... method of reasoning questions on blindreview, but I can barely even ...
... of questions I didn't answer correctly on either try? I ... make mistakes when deciding between answer choices. The majority of my ... method of reasoning questions on blindreview, but I can barely even ...
... fresh copy for RC blindreview. Is it as helpful ... as it is for LR blindreview?
& ... for any and all blindreview. It is very helpful ... trouble with and what answer you chose. This causes ... we need to change an answer.
... fresh copy for RC blindreview. Is it as helpful ... as it is for LR blindreview?
> > blind review. It is very helpful ... trouble with and what answer you chose. This causes ... we need to change an answer.
> ...