It depends. Where do you want to practice? What ... job do you envision upon graduation? Canyou see yourself living in DC for ... three years or would you ... than twice as much. Youcan have a successful career out of either ...
Thank you for the explanation. Very helpful! As a suggestion, it would be good if you would include the description of categories in the problemset answer key in your resources so that people would be able to refer to it as needed.
... -difficulty questions. This is assuming you're getting them incorrect on ... needs to be much more in-depth than is implied by ... Loophole gives as an example in the appendix. Writing out your ... the more ways you're able to approach aproblem, the better and ...
I just tried taking aProblemSet. Unfortunately, I was not able ... possible causes of the issue, youcan try the following: ...
3. Open the ProblemSet using a different web browser (i.e ... to help!
... you put in that matters but _how_ you study with the hours that youcan ... dedicate to the exam. Sure you ... score. Of course you need to put ina sufficient number of hours ...
Canyou try blocking out the time? Like if you click on ... the time remaining during aproblemset, it ... should go away/not be visible. I have a ... 2/3 times per set? Not sure what others ... ! This is always a tricky problem
... same issue sometimes. Youcan tell yourself "don't ... elephants... it's all you end up thinking about! ... a good one.
Here's an idea: Try drilling problem ... ... it's just aproblemset. As you're going, think ... and the ACs. If you do this drill enough ...
... games would give youa lot of improvement and you have the ... and make sure youcan do them accurately and ina timely manner. Also ... do timed sets of problems you ... planning can be hard and overwhelming but once you find a groove ...
... games would give youa lot of improvement and you have the ... and make sure youcan do them accurately and ina timely manner. Also ... do timed sets of problems you ... planning can be hard and overwhelming but once you find a groove ...
It is not integrated into the 7sage testing format.
This isn't the best workaround, but youcan do your own section ina booklet or off of the LSAC prep. That'd make it quasi-experimental in that you're taking a 5th section.
... specific weaknesses canyou identify? What trends in the data canyou uncover amongst ... to "give up" on a difficult question. That only worked ... for me because it was a significant weakness of mine. ... Which of these fine details canyou identify and improve on?
... first diagnostic. Mind you, I still fluctuate ina range of about 5 ... learnable. There was a great encouragement thread a couple days ago with ... someone who started out in the ... day. It's doable, you just can't fall into despair and ...
Youcan use the "Flag" icon to ... icon under the question numbers in the Digital Tester. See ... each text you wish to highlight. When you are finished ... can investigate the issue. Canyou also provide us with a screenshot of what you ...
It sounds like you have every good reason ... picked "no" because you will definitely get in somewhere, possibly even ... into one of your dream schools ... you ... think if you felt really confident ina third attempt, youcan conquer that ...
... from each of the three sectionsyou want to count and put ... have two LR sections, so it's not a perfect simulation of ... spare RC or LG sections as practice experimental sections would be to ... that, you'd have to put the preptest together yourself as aproblemset.
Hi! I am ina very similar boat. Feel ... firm, have no interest in what our lawyers do day ... to law school. I can't stress enough how helpful ... opinion here is true- you don't need to rush ... health, even if you think you have to go ina certain direction. Remember ...
... JY, still appreciate you). Although very helpful in breaking down questions, other ... resources may give you that extra* boost you ... , different flaws, etc. Then make aproblemset with your weaknesses and use ...
... Thank you for your reply. No, I didn't create aProblemSet ... in the Core curriculum following the Point of Issue Problem ... Sets. If I was able to take a ... that LR section (like you have shown above) and ... reverse order from what you have posted. Mine were ...
Hi, what I do is when I don't want to practice LR for the fourth section, I just do a flex and addaproblemset on my own and count it in as the fourth section.
... a school's offer and start at that school in fall 2022 canyou ... reapply next cycle for a different school? In this case, you ... />
Everyone else is correct in that youcan also apply this cycle and ...
... 't.) Then see if youcan create some personal rules to ... because of this rule you didn't split ina game when it ... you'll have a system of rules that you understand and that youcan apply ... on a different rule), but sometimes they can be useful if youcan clearly ...
... " questions fall into this category. In particular:
PT91 S2 Q22 ... />
If you are struggling with them, I would create aproblemset out of ... - star "Method" questions to help you drill them!
... to do is after doing aset or PT and learning the ... grouping, in/out, etc) and create them as aproblemset. Redo the set over ... 4-5 days until you have ... by simply picking an answer you remember without actually doing them ...
... / LR/ generic timing Qs I can easily answer here. But for ... ’d suggest a new method I’ve developed. But I can’t ... lay that out ina few paragraphs. I ... to walk through passages with you.