... a discussion thread going on about the 180 watch or just a ... I was going to order the 180 watch.... but, I ... or something because the watch is on back order.. So ... all for 35 minutes, and used them for each ... would really appreciate all theanswers! Thank you!
... />
For a while now I have been working through the earlier PT's ... 21-38, concentrating on accuracy and applying the proper methodology to the ... sections with PT 48 and everything just seems way different from thePT's ...
... answer the question. You’re down to a couple answer choices, D and E andthe ... E. But A or B or C- theanswersyou had dismissed the first time ... and obvious onthe second go.
There will be a recording available later this weekend ... ahead and do the first LR section of the June 2007 PT. If you don ... ahead and read through the [free] sections on Blind Review, either in the 7sage ...
... out, we'd like to take this opportunity to invite passionate ... to lead webinars on topics of your choice. Topics can range from ... parties!)—just a passion to teach and share the wisdom you've gained on your ...
... takeaPTand BR questions. But the problem is when I review the question and ... listen to the explanation, even if I understand my mistake, I can ... bogged down onthe individual question ... the same exact answer choice.
... annotations regarding the author’s opinion on this specific subject andtake note of ... there read a few sentences before and after so youcan understand his position ... choices you see and then attack the remaining ones
... for the LSAT, and I've managed to score in the low 170s a ... , however, come the occasional hiccups (e.g. a 164 on my most recent ... to see anyone's input on where I should go from ... simply PTing and BR-ing solve this for you, or did you have ...
... on 7Sage and in The LSAT Trainer, I think I may have hit ona ...
We can reach the same result by just ignoring the indicator rules and instead ...
C --> D
--- You should never go outside (G ... ) unless you bring your umbrella (U).
... was going to takethe LSAT and use that as a gauge of determining ... recommended. I dropped a paycheck anda half on it, and thought that I could ... are four hours long andtake all of the time I should ... good thoughts and listening to my rant. Thank you. I feel ...
I will takethe June LSAT for the first time in my life. ... bring a cellphone to the testing center, but can we bring a backpack and put the ... cellphone in the backpack during the test ...
... and 10 on weekends, plus 6 hours of tutoring. The tutoring was great, and ... I am going to take September and am planning to work ... worth it if I can avoid having a 159 on my record? If ... explaining the circumstances leading up to the exam. What do you guys ...
... by clicking the "star". I was hoping that later on I would ... be able to see a list of them, and watch the ... videos for them again. They are not part of a ... PT's. I can see how under "syllabus" youcan see if you have starred a ...
... time, circle it, and move on to the next question. This strategy ... takeaPT, i usually struggle either finishing RC on time or LG on time... The ... time usually ends and i ... recommended on RC and LG? I'd love to hear back from you ...
How have you ... night for 2-4 hours andonthe weekend for 3-6 hours ... takeaPT Monday, BR Tues and Weds, takea break Thursday, Drill Friday, andtake another PT Saturday and ...
... />
I'm feeling pretty good and ready and confident for 9 *HOLY ... terribly enthusiastic about taking another PT this weekend. Not sure it ... />
What're your thoughts? Are you going to takeaPT this weekend?
So I have an option to go to a law school in around 18--30 range ranking. I also have an option to takea year off and study more for lsat. Is 18-30 a bad return on investment? Reallu tough decision for me here
... IF anything should go onthe top of the person statement? This would ... submitting an additional information document, and my advisor told me to ... put my L number anda title at the top of that, so ... so, does this count towards the space limit?
... took PT 59.
I've been scoring in the low ... to 156. I suppose a 4ish point drop isn't ... that big of a deal, but let me ... Maybe it was just a bad day and it's not indicative ... answers wrong? Could you shed some light on what you think caused it and how you ...
... the final week before the test? Im planning on taking PT 79 on Tuesday and attending the ... do you guys suggest? I was thinking about having PT 79 be the ... take so i cantake it semi easy the final week leading up to the ...
I have a half page C and F and 1 page (double spaced for both) diversity statement ready to go. Anyone have a couple of minutes to takea read through and give me their opinion?
... (fifth year) and working a fairly demanding job on my days off ... was better to takea year off and study for the LSAT properly. To ... to the test centre and wrote aPT instead that day in the library of the ... to check my answers.
I know I can do better if ...
... a difference my PT scores are from my BR scores and what I can ... chose onthe test and what the correct answer was. And by knowing that I can ... time and practice is somewhat misleading because when you look at a question onthe ...
Specifically, I am looking at PT 68.S2.Q23, the second sentence: "We ... a theoretical one, and that is: WHY do you negate a conditional by introducing the ... sufficient and denying the necessary?
... on LR and RC a lot more. Also, although I didn't takethe ... diagnostics test, LR and ... I might as well takethe job offer andtakethe LSAT in September. ...
I am tutoring onthe side and am making a living for myself ...
... use charts in general. And I discovered that I couldn ... it clearly. And I think that's a problem. In ... asked you when it's necessary to use a chart and when ... not to, how would you respond?< ... by "chart", check out the game I mentioned earlier.)
... and do a passage together. We can rotate volunteers when we go to the ... using the Reading Comprehension section from PT #3. So please have a clean ... printed copy of the ... RC section in front of youand be ready to work on ...
"Why on earth would youtakea ... my consistency and willingness to practice and drill sections of the LSAT has ... read the material without any practice and expect to get a 160+ on this ...