@"Cant Get Right" Thank you for ... back. I'm going to see how this month goes. It ... (half way done, haha) and see how things go. I don ... game. So that I can see where I lose time. I ...
@"Cant Get Right" I love that you brought all of our training to your post! So much fun to see it in use. It gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for the moment of levity!
@"Cant Get Right" said:
I ... at your nearby universities and see what's available. Many schools ... :
If I wanted to see people tear each other down ...
I've been trying to get on LSAC all day to see if admissions tickets are posted, but the website won't come up. @azbulkin , when you print your admission ticket, it will have a checklist of all of the things you must/can have. Follow whatever that says.
@"Cant Get Right" thank you for clarifying that to me. Also, if I am, for example, weak in NA, should I go print out questions from PT 17-36 and do them, watch explanations and try to understand? Or how should I drill them?
im so glad i can do br calls again, i need to do it i think! im stuck in the 150s so im not happy and thats why i moved my lsat to december! cant wait to see everyone
... split your board if you see there are 2 or 3 ... in that A cant be last and B cant be first, even ... other 2 or 3 and see what could potentially be wrong ...
... closer to what you'll see on game day. PTs 35 ... , and that's why you see a drill question from PT ... the question or you can print it out - whichever works for ...