@"Spencer D" said:
I decided to take the first idea (not guilty), negate it, and make it my sufficient condition. So I have G---->UD/. This translates to english as "a person is guilty of a crime if they were not under duress". The ...
... negation by changing the quantity indicator, like changing "Some" to ... doubt between negating quantity indicator or negating the verbs ... shifts toward the quantity indicator in this case because ... choice by negating the quantity indicator "some". LSAT writers ...
... you note the conclusion is causal in nature as well: ... the look to weaken that causal relationship. There are few ways ... to weaken a causal conclusion: cause without effect, ... Algae: This is confirming our causal stimulus and is actually strengthening ...
... a group 4 (negate necessary) indicator followed by a group 3 ... negate sufficient indicator. I did not break "will ... " out as a necessary condition indicator but instead contained it within ...
... 't true. Conditional reasoning and causal reasoning are different; sometimes they ... be perfect. There is a causal relationship between smoking and getting ...