... task is to strengthen the causal relationship.
> As a ... side note, to strengthen causal relationship: prove that
> ... />
> To weaken causal relationship: prove that
> ...
... be able to function as 'causal links,' by which I mean ... both indicate some sort of causal relationship between two distinct phenomena ... 's important to remember that causal relationships are always 'suspect' on ...
Like everyone else said above, definitely not an indicator of any kind for ACs. Completely situation dependant. To give a counter example, I feel much better with weak wording like "some" for testing the 'correct' AC for NA.
... clarify something here. Taking the Causal statement that isolated politicians causes ... other forums this idea of Causal statements versus Conditional. It seems ... saying you cannot contrapose a Causal statement. Why not? If I ...
Memorize indicator words and LR question stems using flashcards. Review your fundamentals. Drill LR by question type and LG by game type, untimed. Don't take another PT, or do any strictly timed work, for at least a month.