It's unfair. There are officially ZERO spots left in the NYC area for October. I got one of the last few for Newark, but that's over an hour away. And there's no way I could wait until seeing my score, so there's no way I could take it for free. Sucks.
... multiple times both bring my phone and not, I can attest ... />
Scenario 1) Not taking the phone: Write down on a piece ... />
Scenario 2) Take the phone, use for maps THEN TURN ... 've done this and had no issues but you wouldnt want ...
just got off the phone with them and they said that the testing is still set to happen, but they have no status on whether or not they will have power..
> @dornamova17 said:
> just got off the phone with them and they said that the testing is still set to happen, but they have no status on whether or not they will have power..
... or an email or a phone call for 2 months. The ... />
I would also understand no refund being offered as well ... as much stricter policies regarding no shows/ cancellations/ running over time ...
@lilymdileo No chance they'd have an open testing center in NYC by ... public. If you're in NYC or Cali though I'm ... in the fall so definitely no in person LSAT in either ...
... he was decent and efficient - no apologies for late start no response - apparently they were switching ... proctors mid-test and no one responds for over 4 ... the person on the phone tells there is no allowing test pausing ...
I am interested! PA/NYC based, I am planning on taking the test for October. I just started using 7Sage after feeling like I got no where with KA, so I feel like I am trying to play catch up now.