Does anyone know how the alternative scantron accommodation is carried out? If an alternative bubble sheet is provided, how does it differ from the ones that non-accommodated test takers use and is there one available for download?
... strength of the conclusion (qualifier words), the type of reasoning (conditional ... , causation, etc.), and other qualifier words such as most, some, all ...
I figured I'd post this as a discussion rather than a comment on the quiz page since it will be seen by more. I have 2 questions regarding the quiz. The first is about question one which is A person is not guilty of an offense unless his liability is based ...
... machine scoring of your answer sheet after you have received your ... a rescoring of your answer sheet by hand. LSAC will not ... . Requests to handscore your answer sheet must be made in writing ...
For those who have taken the LSAT, can I view my answer sheet along with the correct answers? I did a lot of erasing, which might make a fake-wrong answer. I see the portion of LSAC that shows PDF's after the LSAT is taken. Can I view it there?