main lesson learned today: ALWAYS USE BUBBLE SHEETS WHEN PTing. I did not realize how much time it actually takes to bubble the answers and I ran out of time on two of the sections :O
@"Dillon A. Wright" I can't seem to find it on the webinar page! :O Edit: Oops, I didn't realize it aired today haha. Sorry about that! Looking forward to watching it :)
I'd love to have an answer for this as well! For PT's in the 40's and early 50's I was getting max -3 wrong. For the later 50's I think the questions are getting trickier... and I've managed a -7 so far :O. How does one manage these trickier questions...
Awww, @"Alex Divine" you're the Barack O'drama? Haha I've encountered you once on TLS and thought to myself, "ok I guess not everyone on here is full of themselves" lol thanks for that! :)