... law school students are K-JD and the vast majority are ... lawyers or something close (think JD advantage). You, as a non ... />
http://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/your-score/law-school ...
... />
Most law prof have a JD but not PhD (note a ... JD by itself def not enough ... at your campus have a JD but no PhD but have ... to teach? Because if a "JD by itself is def not ...
... academia...) just that a JD is bad if you are ... someone who is doing a JD/PhD (half finished with ... cuff... 1) because the JD aspect costs money... 2) ... said... a sightly below par JD (for academia purposes) can ... eg. Jon Klick (his JD was from George Mason - not ...
Per the LSAC's website, the scores should be released via email by January 5. They do say that their listed dates are just estimates, so who knows...
If you get the right LSAT score nobody gives a shit about WE. Most law students are K-JD and most of them have little to no WE. Just study and take care of your family and you'll be fine.
I know most school will only consider the highest score. But will a low school be big treat if I want to go to school like Harvard, Yale and Columbia in the future. If so, will it be a better chance to cancel score instead of keeping a low score?