... following your BR process for ReadingComppassages. I have a question regarding ... BRing, do we read the Readingcomp passage and then write the ... HRS. Or is it reading the passage in one go then write ... to retain the entire passage in my mind and then write ...
... this guy that said readingcomp was his favorite section ... view the readingcomp section.
The nerd in me ... going start approaching the readingcomp section in that way because ... anybody know if the readingcomppassages are actually based on ...
... way 7sage goes through the readingcomppassages soooo useful. Although I have ... when going through the RC passages and review it the way ... I learn in the videos, I find myself ... condense your time reviewing the passages, while using JY's method ...
... have just started to tackle readingcomppassages. I am curios to ... decrease your time spent on reading the passage and answering ... apparent with the more practice passages that you did.
... people's experiences have been in this section.
... the order in which we should drill reading comprehension passages. Should we ... segregate easy, medium,hard passages ... drill all the easy passages then move on to ... the medium level passages then finally take up ...
... improved quite a bit inreadingcompin my past practice tests, ... too long on certain passages and especially questions. At ... into understanding the passages I'm reading, breezing through questions ... than expected to read the passages.
My readingcomp score has been the same ... to be more successful with readingcomp? Perhaps there are certain strategies ... help me eliminate wrong answers inreadingcomp? Please advise! Thank you as ...
... mentioned in the lecture. In addition, do you usually take notes when reading ... memorize everything after I finished reading for the first time. However ... of questions that I miss in RC! I never miss any ... it over during the test). In this case, what would you ...
... reading speed as a crutch. I didn't necessarily have the structure ...
> Try memorizing the structureinreadingcomp and rereading just the appropriate ... memorize the structure of the paragraphs when I was reading, and that ...
... who are very comfortable with ReadingComp. I absolutely loved JYs ... I studied literature in college, so those science passages are daunting, but ... be broken down into that structure. It's like a ... for Law / Human/ Arts passages? Particularly law. Those also seem ...
• High Resolution:
• Structure:
• Sneak Peak:
Paragraph ... applies broadly. Obviously, some passages are weird and your ... and refers to the common forms that are reused ... you are a beginner inreadingcomp or are missing 4 or ...
... I've recently been drilling readingcomp trying to get my time ... time for some of these passages on 7Sage I see some ... the passage in just 2 minutes?? Moreover, there are some passages that ... fully answering every question and reading the actual passag itself ...
I notice ... sentence before reading on, being an active reader, feigning interest in the ... it to the other paragraphs in the passage. I also try ... and opinion. For more technical passages, I try to be extra ...
... my score back is my readingcomp section. I usually always score ... , I missed 2 in LG, 2/3 in LR, but missed ... 8 in RC, so it ... the humanities and social science passagesin RC. I do not like ... down to two answers, but in the moment of the test ...
... improve readingcomp. To give you an idea of where I am in ... the LSAT trainer's "reading for reasoning structure" method. Additionally, most ... strategy or drilling has resulted in a significant jump thus ... to making a significant improvement in RC, but there has ...