I looked at a lot of the data and it appears that Cornell rejects any LSAT if it doesn't come with a super-high GPA. Are they like a mini-Yale in terms of having an academic focus?
From what I (briefly) saw on LSN, it appears that Cornell is rejecting (or the occasional waitlisting) everyone with a 172+ LSAT this cycle, even with GPAs of 3.75+. So my guessing is Yield protection :neutral:
... on LSN, it appears that Cornell is rejecting (or the occasional ... 's frustrating. I really like Cornell and I wrote what I ... was a very convincing Why Cornell. Yield protection seems like such ...
... ; I've been selected by Cornell as a finalist for a ... the finalists (Approx 16) to Cornell for a ~2 day interview ... scholarship, will you go to Cornell?
... 't know much about the Cornell interview process. There are probably ... main questions: why law, why Cornell, difficult experiences you've overcome ...
Cornell has been ranked 13th for quite a while now. The school must be under a lot of pressure nowadays. Georgetown changed T14 into T13; Cornell must be doing everything it can to ensure T13 doesn't change to T12.