... for RC - before I couldnot sit down, couldnot be bothered to read ... 'm like "just do it" (not stealing Nike's trademark quote ... has been helping me with not-so-glamourous RC passages. I ...
yes. I have to do that to make it work.
the sequence / grouping games and flawed method reasoning.
sometimes the error message is 'video couldnot be found' and 'video not properly encoded'
... a score that really did not reflect my effort: 157.< ... PTs and that was I couldnot read fast enough to ... head and that actually is not an efficient way to ... a manner that people might not notice. Also having a ... right answers. I have not taken an actual LSAT yet ...
Ahh I thought this was a bug and began marking everything as done (since I had done it) , then I realized this couldnot be, after having marked a few sections already. Is it just the quizzes or also some material that has changed too ?
... it was games and I couldnot do this then but the ... mental resolve that I was not going to have any problems ... ... of course if this is not your problem and it is ...
... this argument. What could that assumption be? ... reducing class sizes would not improve student achievement... Why? ...
(E) Qualified teachers could *not* be persuaded to relocate in ...
Negation: Qualified teachers *could* be persuaded to relocate in ...
... those who like myself couldnot sleep the night before ... for fear of not hearing the alarm in ... tell them they are not allowed to hang up ... />
If you're not familiar with the test location ... that way you're not freaking out about getting lost ...
... compared to those that likely couldnot get into a tier 1 ... succeeded compared those who likely couldnot get into a 1st or ... game is played and am not worried about finding employment. I ...
Ye it was tough. The experimental was definitely 1 or 3 for me because they were both 25 while the last LR was 26. On a separate note ...for games the last game was unbearable I couldnot for the life of me answer the questions spent 10 mins on it.
... up random stairs I'm not supposed to go up and ... Games Section 1 - my mind couldnot compute a thing. Realized my ... section I've ever done. Not a good start to the ... RC which I hope was not the one that counts. To ...
joegotbored how did you find the LG this past weekend? I usually go perfect in the games, even in September and couldnot finish the last game here (and I believe it had 6 questions). It was truly shocking.
... day counter looked like it could be used to take photos ... the testing center so i could put the watch in a ... of the room where I couldnot see a clock.