Why is the correct answer E and not C? How is the answer not attributing vacancy laws to that increase when they say "...increase crime while purporting to decrease it"?
Lawyers tend to get such a bad rap; especially criminal justice lawyers. It's great to see a shining example like Bryan Stevenson show that lawyers can have great integrity and strive towards helping society. Thanks JY.
Civil Rights/Constitutional law. I want to eradicate the racial disparities that pollute our criminal justice system. I plan on handling criminal defense of indigent clients for my heart, and wills and probate for my pocket book.
I will be focused on criminal law, appellate law, and juvenile justice. My fiancé is serving a 56-years-to-life sentence since the age of 16. I won't stop until he's home.
... http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/sex-crimes/public-urination ... />
Many city and county criminal ordinances also prohibit public urination ...