I understood "A or B but not both" as one of the followings ... :
1. A(O) B(X ... is the contrapositive of it? A/B = CONTRAPOSITIVE => /A + /B ????? of "A or B but not both ...
... currently wait-listed at a school out-of-state and am touring ... going with my sister for a short vacation and she was ... so, but it's in a city we don't know ... think it was too big ofa deal. Should I let the ... school know ahead of time?
... 7sage podcast. It was such a great episode and encouraged me ... . I'm a little unclear if that was part of the explanation ... or if it was part ofa timed test.
Are ... in the curriculum as part ofa timed test? I think it ...
I had a dinner with alawstudent who got a 178 on the lsat. He ... helped with LG. Just curious of these tips/insights helped some ... of you as well. I know ...
... more in the realm of public interest law and I am worried ... about ending up at a school ... that focuses too much on corporate law (I ... experienced themselves the realities ofalaw degree at any of these institutions.
Out of my ... honored to attend any of them. Two schools ... of studying, practicing, testing, writing, interviewing and waiting. I'm officially alawstudent ... this year! :D
How crucial is it to have the most recent PTs in Digital format? I have some PTs in paper form. And I still have a good amount of PT material left from my current 7Sage material.
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... seem to score higher than a 147 in practice exams. I ... progress. My undergrad GPA was a 2.67, so I need ... considered for Spring start for a school in Texas and I ...
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... is in a small circle (sufficient) within the domain of the F ... how A->(B->C) = A and B ->C = A is ... B->C happens in A’s domain.
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... LSAT 84 and I am a little confused. For this prompt ... bullet points and only one of the following points (i.e ...
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... with a brand new logic game with a completely different set of ... inferences than I have memorized. The moment I'm given a ... it is consciously understanding all of the inferences? Because if ...
... I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... I think there is a study plan available within the ... tailor my learning in a way where I can ... grouping and hybrids take a while for me to ... prep tests are not a reliable indicator of how games are ...
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... to brute force most of the time instead of making worlds? Is ... and use the videos as a guide or just try and ...
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... think it comes from a lack of understanding of how Group 3 and ... happen. Same goes for None of the M is /D being ...
... am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel ... however, I found a weird conditional while studying ... it's the opposite of the embedded conditional. of embedded conditional that goes ... something along the lines of: "/A unless B, then C ...
**[I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... />
I am confused on one of the lesson. [Lesson 11 question ... yet this one does have a premise and conclusion. Just wondering ...