I thought LG was very easy, RC was a little difficult (not necessarily the passages but the questions and the comparative specifically), LR was standard (but I felt a little shaky taking my first ever "real" test so I think that impacted it)
... .
RC: paranormal phenomenon comparison passages, jazz passage (SO. HARD.) can ... thought that these were particularly difficult LGs so if anyone else ...
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> RC: paranormal phenomenon comparison passages, jazz passage (SO. HARD.) can ... thought that these were particularly difficult LGs so if anyone else ... />
I thought the first two passages were average (I normally get ...
... the LR to be particularly difficult as others have stated; I ... total. RC was not particularly difficult either, just average; finished with ... about right for me. No passages that I thought, "I have ...
... too bogged down in the difficult ones though (the days of ... method (2.5 for easier passages, average of 3.5 though ... to 4.5 for super difficultpassages). For the comparative passage I ...
... also recommend simply doing many difficultpassages. The problem sets feature here ... filter and sort for harder passages and topics, like science or ... the hang of how these passages are set up. I still ... struggle on some RC passages, but you can improve on ...
Reading the Economist for the art and science passages has helped me a ton, if you get a subscription you can load up all the older magazines, it'll help you grow your subject knowledge so you can understand passages better
... passage was about Indian-American art, 2nd was about domesticated dogs ... , and 4th were comparative reading passages about monopoly. I did not ...
... passage was about Indian-American art, 2nd was about domesticated dogs ... , and 4th were comparative reading passages about monopoly. I did not ... -RC with the same RC passages. Literally the exact same experience ...
... passage was about Indian-American art, 2nd was about domesticated dogs ... , and 4th were comparative reading passages about monopoly. I did not ... . Did the first passage about art last, with 5 minutes left ...
... because it was not particularly difficult. I screwed up a rule ... 4 wrong.
RC passages were Torchy, a comp passage ... seem bad. The first two passages were pretty easy; theories of ... as far as hard RC passages go. I’ve been way ...
... passages don't have deeply buried implicit assumptions (unlike those very difficult ... />
2) My understanding of the passages is usually automatic and immediate ...
... because it was not particularly difficult. I screwed up a rule ... .
> RC passages were Torchy, a comp passage ... seem bad. The first two passages were pretty easy; theories of ... as far as hard RC passages go. I’ve been way ...
LR was very difficult for me there was stuff ... and elephant reflections
RC passages were interesting enough but only ... game was really hard and difficult for me and i had ... idek it was weird and difficult and i dont remember the ...
... because it was not particularly difficult. I screwed up a rule ... ; >
> > RC passages were Torchy, a comp passage ... seem bad. The first two passages were pretty easy; theories of ... as far as hard RC passages go. I’ve been way ...
... ;
> LR was very difficult for me there was stuff ... elephant reflections
> RC passages were interesting enough but only ... game was really hard and difficult for me and i had ... idek it was weird and difficult and i dont remember the ...
... art, dogs v wolves experiment, super long case, and monopolies. The passages ... more questions for those two passages. Felt medium/ hard for me ...
... RC was the most difficult section. The passages I got were:
3) Universe expansion (the most difficult passage in this section in ... find it to be very difficult. Definitely something you can attack ...
... you know you struggle with art and humanities passage, I ... you are having with science passages too). I start out ... day. I started with passages at 2 star difficulty, ... star, and 5 star passages. If I am doing ... start with the easier passages and build up to ...