... basket (the father away = the difficulty level of questions). And shot ... difficulty does not necessarily go up ... shots you made, regardless of difficulty. You are allowed to skip ...
... some discussion lately about the difficulty of PT 83,84 and ... people have written about the difficulty/subtly of these newer exams ... them, we can mitigate this difficulty by doing pretests in order ...
We're posting on behalf of a 7Sager. They would like to get advice from you!
For some reason on my first PT I got 20/27 on reading comprehension. Now every single time I take a PT I'm getting between ...
Hi, everyone - could have sworn the other day I noticed that you could see overall how "hard" a test was considered to be (although it might have been based on each section). Either way, I can't find it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Been reading a fair bit about the January exam. For those who also wrote in November, did you find it to be easier/about the same/more challenging than January? This is obviously a subjective question.