I remember the highlight feature was pretty buggy on the digital tablet form of the test (pre-covid). Is the highlight feature more reliable with the flex? I'll be using a wireless mouse.
I just wanted to let you know about law school forum above, in case you haven't heard about it. There are four dates for the event. It says on the website that you can talk law school reps, attend live workshops, and ask ...
I see that on the top column of every problem set and prep test, there's a new feature called "theme." It has 7 Sage, 7 Sage Dark, Standard, Standard Dark. I was wondering whether the standard themes are the ones that we see on a real test?
Should I be doing a blind review in silence to sort of simulate test conditions without the timer? Was considering listening to music during the blind review since it takes forever to do but not sure. Any thoughts on this?
As this is a popular source of reading material for working RC practice into leisure reading, I thought someone here might want my issues. I usually just recycle them, but I'm sure someone here can put them to good use. I have two to get rid of now... ...