... you'd be at a disadvantage from attending any of the ... school jobs. A B average student from Oz isn't going ... of interviews as an A student from Queen's/Western (despite ...
... this as a middle class student who definitely could afford ... />
As a middle class student planning to pursue further education ... tack" low income student. However, smart this student is (but for ... has a 3.8, a non-prestigious academic pedigree, and ...
... could hurt anyone, not just traditional applicants. Basically, Northwestern gets to ... portion of their class with traditional LSAT takers. Basically, they get ... advantage (advantage for law schools; disadvantage for applicants) of shrinking their ...
... could hurt anyone, not just traditional applicants. Basically, Northwestern gets to ... portion of their class with traditional LSAT takers. Basically, they get ... advantage (advantage for law schools; disadvantage for applicants) of shrinking their ...
... are disproportionally at a finanancial disadvantage because of discrimination against them ... . We could leave a smaller traditional race or ethnicity based affirmative ...
... " said:
> In my non-professional opinion, it's probably ... things). There are so many student societies around that I don ... had a few presidencies of student body and they didn't ...
No, South Americans like Colombians aren't considered traditional URMs. As an immigrant and first gen college student, you have a great story for a diversity statement that will serve as another way to convey your diversity.
... />
> Hey guys, had a student email in asking how to ... number of the lesson a student would be currently on in ... book? That way if a student like myself who cannot afford ... . 7Sage's approach is more traditional in that it teaches section ...
... that there are some great non-lawyer jobs out there ... />
Solid data on individual law student educational debt is hard to ... number, the amount of non-dischargeable government funded or guaranteed ... />
This is the only non-public component of our rankings ...
... in such a way that *non-accredited institutions (ITT tech) now ... debts as a result of student loan defaults which are ... /sites/zackfriedman/2017/10/06/student-loan-default/#d664c6328deb
< ...
EDIT: meant to say non-accredited not accredited :smile:
... they aren't--instead of non-college educated blue collared ... m a first generation college student from a low-income ... of the latter--the enterprising student who dedicated hours and effort ... paid consultant case and the non-paid (though competent) advice ...
... will be competing at a disadvantage. Additionally, 7sage will never make ... any advantage, but only the disadvantage of having dropped the Super ... regime. If I'm a student with no connections to lawyers ...