Does anyone know what PT this "never-before-disclosed" test is? I haven't done it yet, but afterwards I would like to go over the test explanations, but without knowing what PT # it is, that won't be possible. Thanks for any help!
Has anyone taken a non-disclosedtest? I am realizing that when I take it on Monday, it'll be a different test. Does anyone have any experience with these tests? Are they notoriously harder?
... " Getting early reports that accommodated test takers yesterday did NOT receive ... is a nondisclosed test anyway offering different test forms on ... a copy (giving a disclosedtest on the regular day and ... is that the accommodated test yesterday was, by all ...
... many people withdrawing before the test but I don’t quite ... T14? Plus it’s a disclosedtest you get to see how ... get a copy of the test? Seems to me only pros ... go in and write the test..
... leading up to it (Test Masters), and while I ... took my dry practice test on the first day ... leading up to the test, I was pretty consistently ... myself and burnt out on test day.
... want to take a disclosedtest next time around because it ...
... about what making the February testharder would imply about the LSAC ... to make the February test in particular either harder OR easier? Why ... wisdom of taking the February test in the first place. test is going to have is ...
... if feb was a normal disclosedtest date, then they would release ... the most recent test as "PT 75". But unfortunately ... will be this upcoming June test. Nothing beforehand if that's ...
I never heard back from anyone about what to do this evening for February test takers. Would anyone be interested in doing non disclosedtest A in the Superprep?
... many are taking the Feb test, since the last call ... because it’s a non-disclosedtest and because it’s not ... take as one’s first test. The attendance might improve ... get closer and closer to test day.
Glad ... far, is there a test you’d like to work ...
If you're talking about the "never before disclosed" test in SuperPrep II, I did much better on it than my average about 2-3 points higher.. Especially on LR, I felt it was easier, but I'm not sure if this is because of the test or just me that day.
@Helvetica i took the test, will i have the disclosedtest at the day when the score is released? or will i have access to it earlier? do you know when the curve scale be announced?
... that it is a non disclosedtest so you don't get ... the specifics of how your test went, you only get a ... that respect only the June test may be preferable. But as ... . that would be a great test to take to apply for ...
... that it is a non disclosedtest so you don't get ... the specifics of how your test went, you only get a ... that respect only the June test may be preferable.
... would slowly start skewing the test towards higher difficulty. Since it ... bell unless they make the testharder. The good news is that ... resources that are evolving the test. And that gives us an ...