Only your graduating institution, though of course every institution where college credit was taken prior to a college graduation will count for the LSAC GPA so there is some impact on things that way.
At this point you will not get a refund. You can reschedule for a future date or get credit and use it by 2021. You can also withdraw up to 24 hours before the exam, but you will not be able to reschedule or receive credit if you chose the 24 hour option.
@ finding Sage - thank you for the piece wisdom about using **_both_** LawHub and 7Sage platforms, excellent tip for comfort and niggling details _NOT_ to discover on test day!
You're right in that it is online, go ahead and register as normal. Afterward, if you log in to your LSAC, you will notice a statement stating it is the Flex and that you will need to confirm the change, or choose a credit for a later testing date.
I could be wrong, but I feel like it very likely will be. Perhaps LSAC wants to play the safe card and use FLEX until a vaccine is released and the numbers infected/deaths subside.
I agree with @Logician Also, you will, in time, discover the style that works best for you. That can only come with practice and experience and experimentation. You've got this, just keep going.