... each question type- no need to do all of them. ... good understanding of the question type and then move on. You can ... stuck in the trap of "I need to take ... any at all. Most of your gains will be seen ... them? However, people posting onLSAT forums about their score ...
... Belgianwaffles said:
the LSAT was tougher than I expected ... - Definitely take advantage of JY's lessons on grammar, intro to logic ... on that section.
- If you can identify any LR question ... start to focus on the next level ofquestion types to make ...
... everyone for these great pieces of advice and input. I ... any of you have suggestions for improving on a specific question type ... I'm having a lot ofdifficultyon NA questions. Intellectually I understand ... on them and they are by far my lowest accuracy question ...
I'm not an LSAT "master", but I was consistently ... />
45 - 60 sec per questionon the first two pages, 60 ... question number I just completed (on the first half of the test). By question ... the play button on the video of the LR question. The video length ...
... the house on fire. However, the LSAT won't test on the distinction ... messy of a distinction and the LSAT likes clear cut things. This question ... tricky question for a couple of reasons:
Most of the time the LSAT ...
@dcdcdcdcdc ... a sentence if you rely on 'tricks' like this. ... just unintuitive" instead of actually working on your intuition. Learning ... your true understanding of the concepts in question). And even then ...
... discusses "kinds" of lamps (variety/types) while the question asks for an ... explanation of the skewed distribution (quantity/number). Note tricky LSAT ... .S. Please remove the verbatim question/answers (copyrighted!) and just reference ...
... shortcut) that helps us "focus on the right decisions at the ... their transition. The OP's question presents an opportunity to explain ... at one end of the spectrum a LSAT Jedi Master in ... along that spectrum where most of us LSAT padawans strive, seconds can ...
... noticed missing a specific "type" ofquestion in LR, so I can ... the question bank and make your own, tailored to the level ofdifficulty ... you feel you need help with.
Because of ... a set number, it depends on how much time I have ...
... I tend to get -6 on average on each section, I see ... hardly improve on BR. Though I circle nearly half of the ... the stimulus is regardless ofquestion type. Worst of all, even after having ... advice on how you were able to track that? In terms ofdifficulty ...
... lot of people it helps to read the question first. ... job is to focus on the key points that ... the content of the argument and focus on the structure. ... has a great explanation of this in the LSAT trainer. ... in the beginning. Focus on doing the steps right ...
... going back and forth on the June 2016 LSAT ever since my ... not to take the June LSAT. It makes sense. Unless something ... study program consists of going over a type ofquestion, and drilling it ... course for me. Their method of teaching is very formula based ...
... study program consists of going over a type ofquestion, and drilling ... They just drill your weakest question type until you get good ... in the grand scheme of things, the LSAT doesn't matter because ... LSAT is a gauge of determination. That's a new perspective on ...
... that the LSAT "pulls a fast one on us with the question stem ... " because it was asking for the "flawed reasoning" of ... />
I guess my question is: is this type ofquestion an outlier? I ... want to sort of have one ...
... say here's this type ofquestion and here's the ... works for a particular question type or maybe why ... a particular question type. I think a lot of the foundation ... to prepare for the LSAT but you'll be ... to magically improve me score on that section. The others ...
So, really, all LSAT advice ... test is built. Running out of time? Missing all the curve ... entire thought process for each question you review: break down ... -10 on LG. Maybe you missed every single NA question they threw ...
... good at the LSAT. You have an awesome understanding of the material ... probably due to luck of the draw on a given test hitting ... or you just misreading a question/AC.
If I ... shoes, I'd just focus on maintaining your mindset rather than ...
... to use on a game by the last question. Depending on how much ... increase the number of pencils per game. On another note...reading ... understand why people often give LSAT takers the "wtf?" look ...
... , if a LR question is easy, there ... The wording in the question stem are pretty much ... />
Hard LR questions on the other hand usually have ... of LR question that are difficult to others, may of course, depending on ... it comes to the LSAT. You just need to ...
... Real LSATs Grouped by Question Type: Manhattan LSAT Practice Book https://www ... />
Yes they're grouped by question type but it's the ... a huge thread on 7sage that has a list of URLs for ...
... the specifics of your question, yes, there is plenty of useful information on the ... the subject of a fair amount of debate in the LSAT study community ... the rule substitution questionon LG, a comparative passage on RC and maybe ...
... influence a significant amount of people. On the other hand ... had influence on people. and so knowing the distributionof orwell, ... great number" of readers. "A great number" of readers doesn't ... percentage of total readers" Does that help clarify the question ...
... some. Well, on the modern LSAT that is a perfectly ... early days, the LSAT exploited the difference between ... can apply to the LSAT. So what MBT ... a pretty large gang of outlaws here. So ... distributionof ice cream were also illegal, we could make a killing on ...
... section is more of a hands on demonstration rather than ... t a lot of theoretical background on how to ... the best approach of all the LSAT books out there ... (with the loss of explanations for the sections ... really stuck on a question.
One word of caution if ...
... 7Sage's course and LSAT Trainer give you just that ...
7Sage Course LSAT Trainer 16 Week Study Schedule ... of the fundamentals of every type ofquestion you might expect to see on ... about. It lets the LSAT be something fun and manageable ...
... starter. Most of the people high scores I spoke on here say ... they followed up with the LSAT trainer. I definitely need help ... the rules for each type ofquestion. My study schedule is 30 ... with review and test prep on Saturday. I don't want ...
Often with the LSAT, there is not just one ... grades. I figured the LSAT would be no different. ... myself. If I got a question wrong, it started to ... had. Then all of the sudden on July 4th weekend I ... a week away from all LSAT stuff. When you come ...
... is where the bulk of the difficulty lies. Make sure to ... games often have a couple of softball questions that flat ... your original question, developing the instinctual ability to take on/work ... through unconventional games is drawn from your practice on ...
... true habit of studying, your brain will switch into LSAT mode at ... of work to see improvements DURING exam season (as the December LSAT ... yes to the last question, any tips on how to efficiently and ... your goal, not one of the 4 LSAT test dates. So don ...