Hello - I am studying the CC and was wondering when do we start timing ourselves when we do the problem sets after each section. I haven't been timing myself and taking my time answering the questions sets and then I BR. Thx.
Hi everyone, so with the long LR drills from test 70-79. Do any of you time them? or do you just do these questions free form to further understand things.
... . I am still struggling with timing (If I could have 38 ... this is a convergence of timing and confidence issues for me ... (170+) on how you approach timing and confidently choosing an AC ...
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So I am beginning timing now but I am unsure ... weakest section in terms of timing and LG is my strongest ... />
Like today, I basically tried timing strategies for all three sections ...
I have been doing confidence drills lately and I've been ... been trying to get my timing to be 20 in 20 ... to do than my usual timing strategy, which quite honestly involves ...
... 40-52 for these section drills. I started out doing each ... to timed. Eventually, I started timing my sections. Probably around October ... I got wrong in my drills. I'd save these in ...