JY/Jonathan, would you guys mind creating an explanation video for every one of the questions in the problem sets? The questions I end up getting right have explanations whilst the ones that I end up getting wrong...don't. Thanks.
I came across a question where I don't understand the question stem or how to take on the question type ( Prep Test 36 Q24 Sec 1). Is there a systematic approach on how to take on these "evaluation" questions?
Stage 1. 1. Read each LR stimulus in ... other -- compare them to your notes, and if necessary, to the ... br />
Stage 3. 1. Continue this process with more ... waste time comparing attractive AC 1 and attractive AC 2 directly ...
... ; Main Conclusion Questions 17 lessons, 1.6h (Starter)
Main Point ... but my questions are: 1) Will using a starter with ... Premium later, will my 7sage program show that I have 2 ...
... and move on. I think JY talked about this scenario in ... anyone have good suggestions for 1, avoid "stocking" scenario for LG ... few weeks by strictly following JY's practice method to hone ... I watch video explanation from JY. Then analyze each questions myself ...
Dear JY and the 7Sage Team,
< ... all because of your wonderful program. In 3 months I went ... that you have made this program affordable, comprehensive, and fun! Without ...
... with my abysmal GPA (the program I'm in is terrible ... to count on a -0/1/2 for each of the ... usually finish those sections with 1-2 minutes. I'm also ...
Since PT 1-35 are already used in the curriculum, is there a way 7 sage can provide the full section LR and RC sections for PT's 1-35 to students who already purchased the course?
... head-start on your own notes. I hope this helps those ... understands it)
1) Causation implies correlation: if you ... 4 possible " situations" 1. A caused B
2 ...
We Use Causation Strategy: 1. Stimulus: Premise gives us either ...
I am trying to find LSATs 1-35 on 7sage. The system is setup to score them and content is used throughout the theory sections, but I can't seem to find where to download the early tests for practice. Any thoughts would be appreciated.