@"Dillon A. Wright" said:
Q: What's this "BR" everyone keeps talking about?
A: J.Y. created a whole section about BR (or "Blind Review") you can check out here:
If you have a score on file, you can submit your app. Then they will just hold your app pending the February score. This at least gets your foot in the door if you have a December score that wouldn't get you rejected outright.
that's a nice score on such a difficult test. i couldn't have thought that people could score near perfect on an RC this difficult under fresh timed conditions.
i missed 4 questions alone on the 3rd passage, which i took around 12 mins to ...
... only way that the middle name could be an issue is ... your ticket had the middle name or initial but your ID ... very common first and last name to really get flagged by ...