... to learn how to set up a good foolproofing system with a spreadsheet: https ... ://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2737/logic-games ... />
> Depending on how you are with logicgames, you may need to ...
... to master the logicgames using the fool proof method? I ... eventually do 2-3 logicgames or a LG section per day ... have trouble with the games that have FL/conditional ... by foolproofing PTs 1-15 (lots of odd games in ... if I still understand how to do the game.
... to master the logicgames using the fool proof method? I ... eventually do 2-3 logicgames or a LG section per ... by foolproofing PTs 1-15 (lots of odd games in ... see if I still understand how to do the game. ... do anything. Learning games takes a lot of practice and ...
... will eventually do 2-3 logicgames or a LG section per day ... begin by foolproofing PTs 1-15 (lots of odd games in here ... see if I still understand how to do the game. fool-proofing the lesson games, do you recommend doing ...
... will eventually do 2-3 logicgames or a LG section per day ... begin by foolproofing PTs 1-15 (lots of odd games in here ... see if I still understand how to do the game. fool-proofing the lesson games, do you recommend doing ...
... with cookie cutter review (logic), grammar review, and maybe ...
> -How are the 7Sage BR / study ... br />
So first, a note on foolproofing. It is a really powerful approach ... games, work the games procedurally. This was a lesson I learned a ...
... I also study 30ish hours a week. My PT average is ... day. I am feeling a bit discouraged by all the ... you! Honestly makes me feel a lot better knowing that I ... logicgames specifically how have you approached studying for that section? Are you foolproofinggames ...
Hey Vanessa, how did you end up doing on logicgames? I recall reading a thread where you said you had been foolproofing but still weren't seeing great results. I'm in that position myself now, and hoping that I can get some points back in that section.
... part of a timed set. Easy through hard games, apply the fool proof ... I started not knowing how to answer a single question and took ... is highly unlikely to get -0 in 3 weeks from -7 ... means -3 or -4. After fool-proofing CC, would you guys recommend ...
... Right" 's webinar on how to proceed after the CC ... will be your weakest section. Logicgames seems to be something people ... can improve on in a relatively short amount of ... re missing a disproportional amount of points on LG, foolproofinggames is likely ...
... who are working towards improving games. With the time that we ... />
> > Hmm.. How are you with games? Have you taken many ... perfectly honest. I sometimes go -0 and other times -5, as ... . I've been spending a lot of time foolproofinggames. I also realize ...
... who are working towards improving games. With the time that we ... ; > > Hmm.. How are you with games? Have you taken many ... perfectly honest. I sometimes go -0 and other times -5, as ... . I've been spending a lot of time foolproofinggames. I also realize ...
... the rules and think about how they interact. I admit ... you've been practicing games for a while chances are you ... mode. I'd be foolproofinggames and after the second or ... idea to "never aim for a -0. I feel like the ... is, you can go -0 on games and still not do ...
... feel like with games I always pretty well know how my timing ... long. This practice strategy has given me a chance to really see how ... calm throughout a full section like I do during games. Getting anxious ... 3-4 weeks ago about foolproofing RC that may be worth ...
... feel like with games I always pretty well know how my timing ... long. This practice strategy has given me a chance to really see how ... calm throughout a full section like I do during games. Getting anxious ... 3-4 weeks ago about foolproofing RC that may be worth ...
... like with games I always pretty well know how my timing ... long. This practice strategy has given me a chance to really see how ... calm throughout a full section like I do during games. Getting ... enough time to dedicate towards foolproofing RC... I wish I did ...
... the famous @Pacifico fool proof method for LG.< ... 7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2737/logic-games-attack-strategy/p1 0/-1 area that ... should improve your score a fair chunk!
... . Sure you can take a test, but how can you even BR ... you haven't studied logic sufficiently or learned how to approach question ... after the cc and begin foolproofinggames or simply taking timed sections ... before putting it together on a full pt.
Have you been foolproofing logicgames? If so, for howlong? Foolproofing ought to have ... strongest. If you had -0 on logicgames you would be in reasonable ... 't get you to near -0 on games in a year.
... a 6-month study plan? I'm not sure howlong ... schedule...should I be fool-proofing/doing sections while I' ... ) before going on to fool proof the bundle. I ... emphasis on learning conditional logic, and I feel like ... intuitive approach to the logic on the test. Not ...
... be flushed down the toilet. Logicgames are something everyone can improve ... can improve once you start foolproofing the right way. One day ... answer questions and only getting a couple correct
> - ... to figure out how to do the games yourself, but you ...
... be flushed down the toilet. Logicgames are something everyone can improve ... can improve once you start foolproofing the right way. One day ... answer questions and only getting a couple correct
> ... try to figure out how to do the games yourself, but you ...
... be flushed down the toilet. Logicgames are something everyone can improve ... can improve once you start foolproofing the right way. One day ... answer questions and only getting a couple correct
> ... try to figure out how to do the games yourself, but you ...
... runs every game except during games when Clemens pitches". Why can ... as a question. How does the plurality of "home runs" affect the logic ... he might have to since 0 is also technically plural. Babe ... B is beyond misinterpretation as long as you understand what C ...
... a tip that will "fix" things, but something I noticed for logicgames ... two inferences together, a defined outcome is then ... that inferences, and the games section, are won. ... use to seeing how rules interact on a board. long run I believe.
... a tip that will "fix" things, but something I noticed for logicgames ... two inferences together, a defined outcome is then ... that inferences, and the games section, are won. ... use to seeing how rules interact on a board. long run I believe.
... a tip that will "fix" things, but something I noticed for logicgames ... inferences, and the games section, are won. ... use to seeing how rules interact on a board. long run I believe.
... logicgames what helped me was to really take my time reviewing games ... sure how helpful it is to do a ton of games in a short ... helped a great deal to be going -0/-1 on single games before ... . That confidence can carry you along way on hard(er) ones ...