... to not realizing that a question is actually testing ... out the causation/correlation logic and to think of ... prephrases (X causes A and B, A causes B rather ... too quickly and chose a wrong AC without clearly ... />
Also, out of curiosity, howlong did it take you guys ...
... />
- After I was done foolproofing the games for the day, which would ... video games and going to the gym; however, because of how ... getting worried that regardless of how strong my LSAT score is ... ! Also, sorry if this was along post!
Ink is so expensive. For foolproofing LG, how many copies do you print out? I heard about this method an earlier member posted about for proofing LG that saved a lot of paper, does anyone know what I am talking about?
... absolutely stuck on alogic game and thus ruining ... LR sections during PT including a -0, -1, -2, etc. < ... figure out how to properly split a game board ... paralyzed in determining a proper approach to ... more time working on LogicGames than anything else, ...
... foolproofinga section of games (i.e. all the "Introduction to LogicGames & Sequencing Games" logicgames ... return to the games I just fool proofed, once I ... 'm done with the CC for LogicGames ... scores/ timing per logic game on excel but ...
... I go through each logic game of one section ... 1st section (Intro to LogicGames and Sequencing Games), 2nd section, etc ... , I do each logic game _three more times_ ... still know how to do the logicgames by doing ... I will "officially" fool proof each one until I ...
... ve been trying to fool proof the logicgames section and I ... do because I literally forgot a lot of stuff. Should ... br />
I forgot how to answer a lot of the questions ... if I do remember how to it’s really rusty ... ’m not exactly sure how to approach the lr ...
... />
I want a rough idea for howlong it took some of ... to complete the core curriculum; logicgames section / Reading Comp and practice ... do one logic game and feel like I need a break....I ...
1. Do ... you ever skip questions or games and how do you decide to ... minutes for the last two games? I know that sometimes Game ... if you have a max. time limit for games 1 and 2 ...
... you all have full proof logicgames with a full time job and ... studying lay daily. I take a timed section almost everyday so ... the set up and understanding how to make inferences more than ... way to master the games. Sounds like a lot of printing. Any ...
How many games did you all foolproof and over what span of time?
Also, how many games do you foolproof a day? For me, I'm currently foolproofing **3-4 gamesa day.**
... a year and a half long, and I just wanted to write a very long ... importance of understanding how terms of connected ... br />
This was ... fool-proofing definitely works, there are a few things that I overlooked while fool-proofing ...
... if it is a good idea to take a week or two ... just to focus on foolproofing the remaining games ... should I continue with foolproofing 4-5 games/week?
I ... thought I should focus on foolproofing for a while since I have ...
I just took PT 88, did my blind review, now I want to foolproof the logicgames using the digital tester. I don't see how to do that -- all I see is reviewing answers on the test, or creating a PDF of it.
... , just have a general quesiton regarding the fool proof method of logicgames. Should ... I be also answering the quesitons when i fool proof games ...
Understanding we all have different time constraints, etc. - Howlong did it take you to perfect LogicGames (-1, - 0)? Any additional tips going through LogicGames?
I only got to the LogicGames section of the Core Curriculum ... the CC are all 2 games each, which should be done ... it's taking me this long to do them (as I ... time period (17 mins) as a beginner? Will my timing improve ...
... />
I've been studying for a few months and am using ... much better at LogicGames. I've done them a LOT and my ... questions, and I take too long doing them. I also don ... I take too long to see them. Not sure how to proceed ...
... CC. I am foolproofing all of the games as I go through ... them, examples and timed sections. How ... much time should I plan to give between runs on a ... memorizing. Is there a particular set of games that we are supposed ...
... any of you blind review logicgames? Foolproofing has dramatically helped my ... blind reviewing my logicgames after I first take a game is ... really necessary.. it seems that logicgames is ... LR and RC have helped a lot of course.
... studying, in particular, the logicgames section. As I am watching ... the reviews for the games by J.Y, I ... that almost all the games can be divided in ... />
My question is, how do you know whether you ... signs that the game is a, as J.Y puts ...
... yet to get -0 on a new section of LG games. I can ... easily get -0 on sections ... I do a new section, I can never get -0. Howlong did it ... take ya'll to consistently hit -1 or -0 ...
How are you all foolproofing the logicgames from PT 1-35 given the flex format? Are you still printing them out or doing them online and using scrap paper?
I’ve been doing some logicgames in my head, the level ... get these games perfect, but I’m not really sure howlong they ... quickly and some take me a while. I think it’s ...
... />
Any tips for how to not panic when you ... have absolutely no clue how to solve aLogicGames set. For example, ... for PT 89 - I found the LogicGames ... advice on dealing with challenging LogicGames sets while taking the ...
... please share your experience with logicgames and howlong it took you to ... what sources helped you get a better understanding of the section ... on day 3 of doing logicgames, and I know 3 days ...
... br />
Sorry if this seems a bit naive but I'm ... consistently keep it to -0. When I do sections ... time I do have a time crunch when answering ... br />
For the games themselves I do get a useful and inference ... What's left is logicgames which from my understanding ...