... cracking down and getting that application all pretty... except, I am ... service, honors and awards, publications, foreignlanguage proficiencies, and any other significant ... . Open to ideas.
... about me, I had a foreignlanguage professor for 4 semesters straight ... strong enough role in my application to tilt the odds more ... Notre Dame?" section of the application.
2) I am a ... average. Would writing in my application that my LSAT score isn ...
... I don't know any foreign languages (and aspire to ... a foreignlanguage and legacy-status are weaknesses to your application; while ... the LSAT and your overall application. Your goal is obviously ... to present the strongest application you can, and with ...
... . My biggest worry about my application are my references. I have ... ago or to a few foreign professors, but I fear the ... about my experience learning a foreignlanguage, living abroad in politically unstable ...
... the 170s. English was her foreignlanguage. We have been study buddies ... who grew up speaking a foreignlanguage. Although this webinar is geared ... attend (the LSAT is a foreignlanguage to everyone, let's be ...
... when you're learning a foreignlanguage, you're still translating the ... language into English to understand/make ... speaker, you think in that language such that you no longer ...
... was reading something in a foreignlanguage. I'm a STEM major ... from a foreign country, so poststructuralism mumbo-jumbo ... line tells us "innovations in language are never completely new" Perfect ...
... essentially testing you on a language - the language of logic. The fact ... being tested on an unknown, foreignlanguage for four hours. You likely ...