Hi guys, for Columbia's optional part, they say you can include a "brief" supplement diversity essay if you'd like, and the website says to use "best judgement" for the length. Can someone comment on what would be a good length for one? Thanks!
... the Berkeley Law Opportunity Scholarship essay (anyone also applying for BLOS ... eyes read/edit their BLOS essay, feel free to DM me ... />
the prompt for this essay is - How do you think ...
I finished a Canadian university, which gives out A+ with a GPA of 4.125/4.5. If I covert my GPA to 4.0, my GPA should be 3.6. LSAC converted my grades to 3.88.
Am I missing something? Is LSAC's GPA out 4.3? Did I convert my incorrectly?
... CO to WA to attend University of Washington (1st choice, the ... reason why we moved) or Seattle University ... received full tuition at Denver University!!
I have half ... scholarship funds at Seattle University but I doubt they' ...
... with waitlists, you have the option of putting down more than ... /good-loci/), a Why X essay (https://7sage.com/admissions/lesson ... -a-why-law-school-x-essay/), or any updates, this would ...
Does anyone know if there is an option to freeze your account? My account expires next month and I will extend in the event that I don't get into any schools for this fall but I won't know for sure until late June/ early July.
Should I write seperate Why X essays for each law school I'm applying to or should I make one template essay and go back and make necessary changes depending on the law school I'm applying to.
... under the missing transcript was University of Richmond so I thought ... I attended Richmond University in London and NOT University of Richmond in ... quite. Turns out that Richmond University in London is an accredited ...
... score yet (I have the option to cancel, until December). I ... would leave it, but the university I am aiming for averages ... ‘time off’ is not an option since I have 0 financial ...
I realized that a few schools don't give you the option to attach an optional addendum. I'm going to call these schools' admissions offices tomorrow, but I was wondering if any of you guys ran into this same issue? If so, how did you go about it?