... long do you recommend the PT/BR process be? I know ... until you are PT'ing higher than your desired score, but on ... gap between your goal score and diagnostic/current PTscore is big, it ... its not about the goal score, its about wherever you can ...
Funny this thread just poppped up. I just got destroyed by this PT yesterday Worst PTscore since December and significantly below my two official scores. I’ve been trying not to whig out about it.
... had when you took the PT, consider what you did well ... my first 170 my next PTscore dipped. It can be discouraging ... once you get to a score you can definitely hit it ...
... can apply before the LSAT score is in, also. If you ... have a good LSAT score on record already, it might ... you are worried that the score you already have isn't ... is, what's your average PTscore right now is, and what ...
... can apply before the LSAT score is in, also. If ... you have a good LSAT score on record already, it ... you are worried that the score you already have isn' ... is, what's your average PTscore right now is, and what ... on my exam. My current PT average is about a 172 ...
... lower (but still very good) PTscore. :) I don't really see ... review them with your current score if you e-mail ... to review with my current score, and all but 1 ... and review with your current score. But at least if ... turn around once your LSAT score is in. It also ...
... Review that first PT after finishing CC. The PTscore probably won't ... states, if your Blind review score is not close to your ... target score then you know for sure ... pretty normal for people who score in the 170s to revisit ...
... 10 points higher than my PTscore, but despite the high ... that can bring your PTscore up if you identify ... For me, I actually do PT pretty weirdly, which is why ... I sometime do my PT focusing on speed and ... br />
As always, a BR score is suppose to indicate what ...
... 10 points higher than my PTscore, but despite the high ... that can bring your PTscore up if you identify ... me, I actually do PT pretty weirdly, which is why ... I sometime do my PT focusing on speed and lower ... > As always, a BR score is suppose to indicate what ...
... 10 points higher than my PTscore, but despite the high ... that can bring your PTscore up if you identify ... me, I actually do PT pretty weirdly, which is why ... I sometime do my PT focusing on speed and lower ... gt; As always, a BR score is suppose to indicate what ...
What is your average PTscore and BR score? And to what extent have you used the more recent ones from PT 50 to 80's? When do you think will be your "final" LSAT exam? The answer to your question really depends on these factors...
... . Don't think about getting a specific score. Just think about improving ... as much as you can, and getting ... a score that reflects that. score by 5 within the 5 ...
... were looking at a different score, but I assume that there ... each section at your current score. Quick gains won't help ... you do improve to the score you want--but you definitely ... often doesn't work for getting the score you want. Anyways, good ...
... what conditions went into that score. How much sleep did ... you get a lower score on another PT. Leading up to ... day in September my high PTscore was 174, but my ... and normal if your score fluctuates, you just want ... you can get your goal score! You just proved it ...