... teaches to perceive the right answer choice (instead of brute ... board, skip the question answer others in that particular ... inferences
2- check answer choices
3- If ...
Pacifico Logic Games Attack Strategy
https://7sage.com/discussion ...
... specifically regarding your question of strategy. He suggests writing everything ... and then going through every answer choice writing down a ... support and to choose an answer choice that weakens the ...
D is the correct answer because it weakens (in this ...
... you've got the right answer, go with it. Select it ... not reading the four other answer choices, fine. The exercise is ... to develop a specific pacing strategy and then keep drilling it ...
... as effective at eliminating wrong answer choices as you are at ... correct ones: a good POE strategy can sometimes save you four ... from JY's "Memory Method" strategy, it did not entirely resonate ...
... LSAT, as you practice predicting answer choices, it becomes much ... .
My personal strategy for improving time involved confidence ... types.) When you see the answer you predicted, or the ... t go through the other answer choices, and trust your ...
... practice of picking apart every answer choice enables you to gain ... where you know the correct answer choice before you even read ... 's not so much a strategy as it is a practice ...
... is a concept not a strategy - it is just to help ... " - is a concept not a strategy recommended during timed sections/PTs ... process of elimination for every answer choice. When stuck between 2 ... you understand when the wrong answer choices are not necessary to ...
The following ... is to say every wrong answer choice can be **_confidently ... do, I start eliminating answer choices with each hypothetical I ... trick, I start testing the answer choices containing necessary elements ** ...
... retain that were needed to answer the question. In having to ... I tried skipping these to answer questions that I could do ... be addressed through improving reading strategy. It is another thing entirely ... I worked on my reading strategy for the stimulus, I was ...
... main difference in my section strategy is that I do not ... out the subtleties in the answer choices that had been causing ... was asking for every wrong answer choice: What are the test ...
... example, if you did not answer 10 questions do you circle ... and/or the answer choices. So if this strategy is employed you ... you circled and didn't answer count towards your BR score ... and your reasoning behind each answer choices. Then I like to ...
... question: why a chart? My answer would be that with the ... we use a chart?" To answer this, I should defer to ... and confidently eliminate the wrong answer choices and select the one ... above are from my personal strategy to LG.
... question: why a chart? My answer would be that with the ... we use a chart?" To answer this, I should defer to ... and confidently eliminate the wrong answer choices and select the one ... above are from my personal strategy to LG.
... close our minds to trickier answer choices, and they definitely plant ... , but as an actual testing strategy, I much prefer to focus ... Well, we'll choose that answer choice and move along. Just ... than my expectation of the answer. Higher level understanding of the ...
... example, if you did not answer 10 questions do you circle ... and/or the answer choices. So if this strategy is employed you ... you circled and didn't answer count towards your BR score ... and your reasoning behind each answer choices. Then I like to ...
... , nothing else can cause them. (answer choice B )
> ... their relationship and go into answer choices with that and ... consider each answer choices individually. The two ... let your score determine your strategy. If the specific pre- ...