@"Michaela.Pratt1" @Emily2122 Right?! The cost is ridiculous. But to pile ona junk website from the Aol.com era for that cost is just wrong. CAS really isn't even necessary the way they have it set up.
... drill LR, do it with a timer and only give yourself ... the games with a stopwatch and try to get to the point where ... doing individual, timed sections to focus ona given section rather than doing ... full preptests. You need to ...
So does anyone else want to join me and @mrbuttons tomorrow ( ... Library in the West Village to BR the Nov. exam? @skhan012018 ... back from you. We want to decide ona time, so just making ...
... much something we might expect to see ona more modern exam. The ... first game although a tiny bit odd ... did have the first A/B passage on record I believe, so ... that could have been a contributing ...
... -UC bumped their LSAT %'s to 157 / 162 / 164 this year ... . They still appear to be giving good money, as ... $$$ for my 163. They are on my short list and I ... ) do appear to penalize re-applicants who fail to matriculate ona previous offer.
... actually take him longer to make up the purchase ... price because he will have to drive more miles. ... fuel but making fewer trips to the gas station. ... If both cars were to go ona trip that was 150 ... if fuel prices were to drop toa point where only $40 ...
... week and working on drills in between to focus ona few different things ... . First, I want to stay on top ... of LG so I do a couple of ... and work on maintaining a good rhythm. Third, I want RC to feel ...
It's going to be a little tricky without ... br />
You wouldn't have to purchase these all at once ... . It can be hardto cough up a few hundred bucks, ... the LSAC website has a link to free study material from ... believe is definitely going to be better than nothing. ...
If you want to be ona school's radar, you should ... schools will find you based on your LSAT/GPA and areas ... can get a fee waiver handed to you or emailed to you. If ... they don't reach out to you by end of September ... office and ask for a fee waiver. Good luck!
... />
It'll depend on your professor's attendance policy ... br />
If you have a/midterm(s) on that day, meet with ... classes when I had to leave ona trip before finals ... of a hassle for them than trying to make ... again it could depend on whether or not they ...
... ones father had anything to do with "a unique work of art ... is that the judgement in A applies to "anyone," including the children ... 's why they are committed to disagree onA.
... in a legal sense. Jorge's principle seems also to apply to ...
... do not have a Huawei device to run tests with on our end ... meantime, are you able to try ona different browser on the Huawei? Other ... . using another device to see it if works on that (I know ... want you to have access while we work on getting to the bottom ...
... , I took 7 minutes ona game that should've taken ... or giving yourself a max number of time to spend ona question/game ... /passage then force yourself to move on? Like ... for example, 9 minutes on an ...
... that I will definitely begin to implement into my studying routine ... (which you get from continuing to study ona given day) create negative ... do you guys determine when to call it quits each ... has the possibility of having a negative effect (reducing confidence ...
... . It’s a very tough topic to write about considering ... would be to end ona positive note. Put emphasis on what you’ ... re actively doing _currently_ to ... maintain a ...
... thing you'll see on test day, just ona Microsoft tablet. It ... 's good you don't have to spend ... bubbling in answers (makes a huge difference to your performance). It's ... , b/c you have to write ona separate sheet of thin paper ...
... 't know if it has to be ona resume if you're ... talking about it elsewhere on an application ... , taking time off, and so on. On the other hand, I've ...
Is it possible to go to solo practice fresh out of law school? I can't imagine a client wanting to take ona lawyer who is fresh out of law school and hasn't worked in that type of setting before.
@dncdrc_04 some passages were easier but I felt rushed. Came back and did the first passage last and had to guess ona couple because I was running out of time.
... 'm 44 & was scheduled to take the LSAT today but ... my 'accomodations letter' rescheduling me to Jan 15 (day after tomorrow ... ready to take ona bigger role... Also wanting to get into a different area ...
... in school and being a natural on the LSAT. The latter ... them, for example, went to college ona sports scholarship and was ... the LSAT, applied, went toa T-25 law school immediately ... on these forums (7Sage, Reddit, etc.), going to top law schools, making a ...
... of course much easier to make up then a cancelled test. I ... and I know they had to use a fast timeline, but I ... that then mean you have to click ona permission form or else ... the things a student must agree to if they take a remote test ...
... features weren't helpful due to the same issues you are ... trained myself not to highlight or underline due to this.
> ... . Makes more sense than trying to rely ona finicky system.
> ...