If you have already completed a writing sample in a previous LSAT, is it advantageous to retake it with the new LSAT writing format, or does it not matter?
I was taking the tests in order, I skipped (1- ... tests were starting to get really weird. Games got a lot harder ... range from these last 6 tests were -5 to -10. With ...
... the multiple questions, but this new LSAT has me wondering a ... and start working on Prep Tests soon enough. Should I still ... or immediately jump into the new digital version that 7sage has ...
... have that many fresh lsat tests remaining and I don't ... want to retake tests that I have already done ... me to obtain the lsat tests that they use in Asia ...
I’ve began studying for the September LSAT. Where do I even begin? I only have enough money for self study other than taking practice tests at my university.I’m new to this app any study tips would be great.