Just wondering (to give myself some hope), hasanyone on here seen a twenty point increase from their diagnostic as a result of intensive study? Specifically from the mid 150's to the mid 170's? If so, any advice?
Got an email from them extending an interview offer at a Starbucks before the LSAC forum this weekend. I’ll most likely go just for the law school interview experience but I had no intention of applying. Should I do the research and write up a Why WUSTL ...
After waiving right of access to LORs, hasanyone asked to see their LORs? Is this considered an appropriate course of action? If yes, what’s the appropriate way to go about it?
... with me anymore because it has been such an all consuming ... , I'm just exhausted. Hasanyone else out there felt anything ... with the 7sage community. It has been incredible. You guys are ...
Anyone have any feedback on testing centers in Colorado in the Denver/Boulder area? Hasanyone taken the exam at UC Boulder and could provide feedback on their experience?
PT 43 destroyed me. I missed more on LR than ever before AND I missed more on RC than ever before. By a lot. No idea why. Hasanyone else experienced an off-day to this degree or am I actually burned out and just need to walk away for a few days?