... 's no longer a limit on how many times you can take ... the test, you don't want to take it a bunch of times ... taking it. I hear you with wanting to "chance it," but it ... until you're ready to get a score that is close to whatever you're ...
Omg, current law student here. Don't do too much that will cause youto burn out before you get here. Getting to Maybe is a good choice, but it might not make sense until you're midway into the semester. Take some time off and do something you enjoy!
Mistaken reversal is simply when you forget to negate an argument. If stimulus ... be: B --> A. If you negated the conditions to get /B --> ... ; /A, this would be correct ...
... same thing every time you do a game, the unfamiliar ... rules, you should know immediately how to diagram it. You should be ... able to visually represent a game ... board when faced with a ...
... , your gpa is excellent. if you're already registered make the ... you're only available to talk for a few hours a day and stick to ... to study. cancel alllllllll social plans. its only ~15 days away, you ...
... also released PT 73 in a flex version ( first time) as ... 73 Flex ( this will be a repeat, but 9 months ago ... Flex and if you are just going to be taking a few more ...
Minimal if any effect... but also the same for a lower score you don't cancel. Personally I'd advise against it unless something catastrophic happens like you don't get to do half a section.
Also curious what everyone's plans are - I have reached out to the schools I have already submitted apps for to set up a call and discuss my best course of action and if I should plan on retaking in April.
... does help to expose yourself to enough games to be able to establish a base ... harder games, you may be forced to brute-force a few of the ... I advise if you're running out of time to guess and ... I'm still trying to get down toa perfect -0 or -1 ...
... the same boat as you. My goal is to go over the ... July test. Hoping to see an increase to my first score of ... same boat as you and is trying to increase in a month alone.
... skills you're actually trying to gain as a 1L. You can ... 't do that if you ... in my experience). You need to prep for exams using ... be. Remember that you're a smart person competing against ... to relax. Really. After a long day of studying, you ...
... your scores. You are not taking these tests to learn anything in ... the week before the test - you are ... doing it to be in a test-taking routine ... check your score. You want to be prepared, not to freak yourself out.
... keywords, so think the habit you need to develop is working "flow ... into account, but you need to marry that to the flow of information ... .
Ultimately you _should_ be able to glance at a Q stem and ... click then you'll be able to say "this is a BLAH question ...
... games as you can
Learn to skip aggressively - there are a whole ... ton of points you _don ... 't_ need to get for a 153. Focus ... your time on the points you ...
Hi @NNNNJJJJ, 7Sage Consultant here--you can list someone that you would be able to use as a reference--they could be aprofessional reference, a mentor, or whomever you think could best attest to the information you're including.
... you finish fool proofing a game that you struggled on or a game that you ... next day. That way you know you actually learned the inferences rather ... too much of a time sink. If it took you only like ... took you like 5 tries to fool proof a game make sure to write ...
haveyou tried, 50 minutes of studying and a 10 min break? Maybe see how many of those you can do in a row. If I can do 2-3, that's a great study session. And remember that any studying over like 5 or 6 hours may have diminishing returns. So study wisely.
... transferrable to the other "disciplines" the LSAT tests you on. If you're ... taking in August probably worth it to ... just elementary conditional logic, which you'll learn through JY's ... LG will tell you that the trick to LG is a strong grasp ...
... law school you will get in to which has a major effect ... Waiting another year could save youa lot of money (think 100 ... to wait and make sure you get in to the school you really want to ... attend -- at a discount ...
... law school you will get in to which has a major effect ... Waiting another year could save youa lot of money (think 100 ... to wait and make sure you get in to the school you really want to ... attend -- at a discount ...
... give A+s" - they aren't going to penalize you based ... on the school you went to. So ... like you're being compared to someone with a 4. ... 2, they're more looking at what you ... what your school allowed youto do. And I ...